Research Publications

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Claudia, P. (2013).  Acorn bread: A traditional food of the past in Sardinia (Italy). Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Escudero, A., Fernández J., Cordero A., & Mediavilla S. (2013).  Distribution of leaf characteristics in relation to orientation within the canopy of woody species. Acta Oecologica. 48, 13 - 20.
CORTÉS, A., NAVARRO-CERRILLO R. M., ARA M. A., SÁNCHEZ R., L. APARICIO GÓMEZ-., MARAÑON T., et al. (2013).  Influencia de la encina y el alcornoque sobre las variables físico-químicas del suelo y la regeneración del bosque. VI Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 8.
Correia, B., Valledor L., Meijón M., Rodriguez J. Luis, Dias M. Celeste, Santos C., et al. (2013).  Is the Interplay between Epigenetic Markers Related to the Acclimation of Cork Oak Plants to High Temperatures?. PLoS ONE. 8(1), 
Sghaier-Hammami, B., Valero-Galvàn J., Romero-rodríguez Mª. Cristina, Navarro-Cerrillo R. M. ª Ma, Abdelly C., & Jorrín-novo J. (2013).  Physiological and proteomics analyses of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) responses to Phytophthora cinnamomi. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 71,
ANDIVIA, E., Alejano R., Vázquez-Piqué J., & Fernández M. (2013).  Producción de desfronde en encinas y alcornoques. Influencia de las podas y de variables meteorológicas y ecológicas. VI Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 10.
Almeida, T., Pinto G., Correia B., Santos C., & Gonçalves S. (2013).  QsMYB1 expression is modulated in response to heat and drought stresses and during plant recovery in Quercus suber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 73, 274 - 281.
Aponte, C., García L. V., & Marañón T. (2013).  Tree species effects on nutrient cycling and soil biota: A feedback mechanism favouring species coexistence. Forest Ecology and Management. 309, 36 - 46.
Pons, J., & Pausas J. G. (2012).  The coexistence of acorns with different maturation patterns explains acorn production variability in cork oak.. Oecologia. 169(3), 723 - 731.
Andolfi, A., Maddau L., Cimmino A., Linaldeddu B. T., Franceschini A., Serra S., et al. (2012).  Cyclobotryoxide, a phytotoxic metabolite produced by the plurivorous pathogen Neofusicoccum australe.. Journal of natural products. 75(10), 1785 - 91.
Alves, S., Ribeiro T., Inácio V., Rocheta M., & Morais-Cecílio L. (2012).  Genomic organization and dynamics of repetitive DNA sequences in representatives of three Fagaceae genera. Genome. 55(5), 348 - 359.
de Andrés, J. Manuel, Borge R., de la Paz D., Lumbreras J., & Rodríguez E. (2012).  Implementation of a module for risk of ozone impacts assessment to vegetation in the Integrated Assessment Modelling system for the Iberian Peninsula. Evaluation for wheat and Holm oak.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 165, 25 - 37.
Gabarrón-Galeote, M. Angel, Ruiz-Sinoga J. Damián, & Quesada M. a (2012).  Influence of aspect in soil and vegetation water dynamics in dry Mediterranean conditions: functional adjustment of evergreen and semi-deciduous growth forms. Ecohydrology. 6(2), n/a - n/a.
Granda, E., Escudero A., de la Cruz M., & Valladares F. (2012).  Juvenile–adult tree associations in a continental Mediterranean ecosystem: no evidence for sustained and general facilitation at increased aridity. (Pillar, V., Ed.).Journal of Vegetation Science. 23(1), 164 - 175.
Almeida, T., Menéndez E., Capote T., Ribeiro T., Santos C., & Gonçalves S. (2012).  Molecular characterization of Quercus suber MYB1, a transcription factor up-regulated in cork tissues. Journal of Plant Physiology. 170(2), 1 - 7.
Schaffhauser, A., Curt T., Véla E., & Tatoni T. (2012).  Recurrent fires and environment shape the vegetation in Quercus suber L. woodlands and maquis.. Comptes rendus biologies. 335(6), 424 - 434.
Gómez-Aparicio, LORENA., Ibáñez B., Serrano M. S., De Vita P., Avila J. M., Pérez-Ramos I. M., et al. (2012).  Spatial patterns of soil pathogens in declining Mediterranean forests: implications for tree species regeneration.. The New phytologist. 194(4), 1014 - 1024.
Aponte, C., García L. V., & Marañón T. (2012).  Tree Species Effect on Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Mediterranean Oak Forests Changes Over Time. Ecosystems. 15(7), 1204 - 1218.
Lequin, S., Chassagne D., Karbowiak T., Gougeon R., Brachais L., & Bellat J-P. (2010).  Adsorption equilibria of water vapor on cork.. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 58(6), 3438 - 45.
Espelta, J. Maria, Cortes P., Molowny-Horas R., & Retana J. (2009).  Acorn crop size and pre-dispersal predation determine inter-specific differences in the recruitment of co-occurring oaks.. Oecologia. 161(3), 559 - 68.
Fernandes, A., Fernandes I., Cruz L. Luís, Mateus N., Cabral M., & de Freitas V. (2009).  Antioxidant and Biological Properties of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Quercus suber L.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57(23), 11154 - 11160.
Alvarez, R., Alvarez J. M., Humara J. M., Revilla A., & Ordás R. J. (2009).  Genetic transformation of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for herbicide resistance.. Biotechnology letters. 31(9), 1477 - 83.
CARBONERO, M. D., GARCÍA-MORENO A., Calzado C., & FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P. (2009).  La productividad de bellota en la dehesa y su relación con parámetros meteorológicos. (Reiné, R., Barrantes O., Broca A., & Ferrer C., Ed.).Actas de la XLVIII RC de la SEEP. Huesca La multifuncionalidad de los pastos: producción ganadera sostenible y gestión de los ecosistemas. 597 - 603.
Both, H., & Brüggemann W. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions. I: a case study of leaf development and seasonal variation of photosynthetic capacity in Quercus robur (L.), Q. ilex (L.) and their semidecidu. Trees. 23(5), 1081 - 1090.
Brüggemann, W., Bergmann M., Nierbauer K-U., Pflug E., Schmidt C., & Weber D. (2009).  Photosynthesis studies on European evergreen and deciduous oaks grown under Central European climate conditions: II. Photoinhibitory and light-independent violaxanthin deepoxidation and downregulation of photosystem II in evergreen, winter-acclimated Euro. Trees. 23(5), 1091 - 1100.
Lorenzo, Z., Burgarella C., de Heredia U. López, Lumaret R., Petit R. J., Soto Á., et al. (2009).  Relevance of genetics for conservation policies: the case of Minorcan cork oaks. Annals of Botany. 104(6), 1069 - 1076.
