Research Publications
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Estimating epiphytic lichen richness by single families in Mediterranean forests.
Forest Ecology and Management. 310, 187 - 193.
(2013). Spatial relationships between the standing vegetation and the soil seed bank in a fire-prone encroached dehesa in Central Spain.
PLANT ECOLOGY. 214(2), 195 - 206.
(2013). The comparison of site spider “biodiversity quality” in Portuguese protected areas.
Ecological Indicators. 14(1), 229 - 235.
(2012). Is forest certification targeting areas of high biodiversity in cork oak savannas?.
Biodiversity and Conservation.
(2012). Post-fire recovery of Mediterranean ground ant communities follows vegetation and dryness gradients.
Journal of Biogeography. 33(7), 1246 - 1258.
(2006). Indicator taxa of spider (Araneae) diversity and their efficiency in conservation.
Biological Conservation. 120(4), 517 - 524.
(2004). Soil seed bank and floristic diversity in a forest-grassland mosaic in southern Spain.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 14(5),
(2003). de preferencias de hábitat y de distribución y abundancia invernal de aves en el centro de España. Análisis y predicción del efecto de factores ecológicos.
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 1, 7 - 40.
(2002). Biodiversity components and conservation of mediterranean healthlands in Southern Spain.
Biological Conservation. 72(1), 61 - 72.