Post-Fire Management of Cork Oak Forests

TitlePost-Fire Management of Cork Oak Forests
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsCatry, F. X., Moreira F., Cardillo E., & Pausas J. G.
EditorMoreira, F., Arianoutsou M., Corona P., & Heras J. De las
Book TitlePost-Fire Management and Restoration of Southern European Forests
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
ISBN Number978-94-007-2207-1
Keywordscork harvesting, Cork oak forests, crown regeneration, management, natural regeneration

This chapter concerns the ecology and post-fire management of cork oak forests. It starts with a short overview of ecological and socio-economic context, continuing with an introduction on the cork oak post-fire regeneration strategies and the main factors affecting tree responses. Several post-fire management issues and alternatives, such as tree logging, assisting natural regeneration, reforestation, cork harvesting and pruning, or protecting against herbivory, are also presented and discussed