Impact of the Mediterranean Urban Environment on Photosynthetic Efficiency of Quercus ilex Leaves

TitleImpact of the Mediterranean Urban Environment on Photosynthetic Efficiency of Quercus ilex Leaves
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDe Nicola, F., Alfani A., & D’Ambrosio N.
JournalWater, Air, & Soil Pollution
Pagination151 - 160
Date Published2011///
ISBN Number1127001107428
Keywordschlorophyll fluorescence, environmental stress, leaf ageing, leaf gas exchange, photosynthetic pigments, urban, urban environmental stress

Environmental constrains and anthropogenic changes can contribute simultaneously to the limitation of plant performance in Mediterranean urban areas. Photosynthetic efficiency of Quercus ilex L. leaves from the urban area of Naples was evaluated by comparison with leaves from remote site (Vesuvius National Park). The photosynthetic performance of leaves with different age (current year [CY], 1- [1Y] and 2-year old [2Y]) was assessed by measurements of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment contents. The photosynthetic activity at the urban site was higher than that at the remote site for the CY leaves, while the opposite was observed for the 1Y and 2Y leaves. The growth of Q. ilex trees was mainly sustained by the CY leaves at the urban site, whereas at the remote site the photosynthetic activity was not affected by leaf ageing. In the urban environment, Q. ilex leaves strongly decreased the photosynthetic performance with leaf ageing as highlighted by leaf gas exchanges, although the photochemistry did not show any significant change. The mature leaves of urban site drove the reductive power deriving from the photochemistry more in nonassimilative processes rather than in carbon assimilative ones, avoiding a strong decrease of PSII photochemical efficiency