Structural characterizarion of extensive farms in Andalusian dehesas

TitleStructural characterizarion of extensive farms in Andalusian dehesas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGarcía, A., Perea J., Acero R., & Angón E.
JournalArch. Zoot
Pagination577 - 588
Date Published2010///
KeywordsFactorial analysis, Farm typology, Livestock farming systems

Three types of livestock farming systems are identified in Andalusian dehesas using multivariate analysis. One of two conservationist systems, both applying sustainable management criteria, was detected in most of farms: dehesa farming system (49% of farms): small extensive cattle and sheep farms, which adapt stocking rates to the availability of the land's natural resources, and occasional use of strategic food supplementation; mountain farming system (21%) also relative to small farms, with mainly small ruminants and limited use of technology. The third system was a yield targeted system (30%), corresponding mainly to large cattle farms, with greater use of technology and high levels of food supplementation caused by stocking rates that exceed the land's carrying capacity. Typology defined can be used as starting point to base technical and economic characterization of farming systems taking into consideration their current and future viability