Diversité floristique des suberaies du Parc National de Tlemcen (Algerie

TitleDiversité floristique des suberaies du Parc National de Tlemcen (Algerie
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsLetreuch-Belarouci, A.
JournalActa botánica malacitana
Pagination77 - 89
Date Published2009///
KeywordsAlgeria, Cork Oak Forest, diversity, Inventory, national park of tlemcen

The analysis of the floristic diversity of forest massif “Hafir-Zariffet” in the Tlemcen National Park has revealed the existence of 211 taxa which belong to 65 families and 164 genera. The number of taxa endemic and/or rare includes: 1 endemic algerian, 7 algero-moroccan, 11 ibero-algero-moroccan, 7 are endemic in North Africa and 11 are endemic in Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. The number of rare taxa is 26, 9 are at the same time threatened. Urgent efforts are required to preserve the cork oak as well as endemic species confined to it.
