Caracterización productiva del vacuno ecológico en Andalucía

TitleCaracterización productiva del vacuno ecológico en Andalucía
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsJ Falcón, P., García A., Acero R., Valerio D., & Rodríguez V.
JournalArch. Zootec
KeywordsBeef aptitude, Extensive systems, Organic farming

The structure of organic beef cattle farms located in Andalusia have been characterised from a stratified survey including 10% of official census. Farms are specialized in raising steers and use native breeds. The mean surface of farms is 524 ha and they have 99 cows. They are multifunctional systems located in the dehesa, where cattle commonly graze alongside other species like Iberian pigs. These farms correspond to a production model in which the land is extremely important in the production of food for the cattle, using strategic or seasonal food supplementation in periods of shortage. Average stocking is 0.43 animals/ha, lower than those proposed by Orden de 4 de febrero del 2004 (Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca), corresponding to a farming activity adapted to the environment. Likewise, the mean productivity of these farms is scarce (with an index of commercial calves of 80% and a mortality rate of 5.26%). These farms have a commercial target where the non-familiar workforce predominates, and the workforce amounts to 1.56 AWU per farm. These farms sell all calves after weaning to livestock traders, who take them to other regions for conventional fattening until slaughter. It is necessary to develop organic commercial trails to guarantee the future of the sector.