The origin of the Sierra de Aracena Hollows in the Sierra Morena, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain

TitleThe origin of the Sierra de Aracena Hollows in the Sierra Morena, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsEspejo, J. M. Recio, Faust D., & Granados M. A. Nuñez
Keywordsdeep weathering, hercynian massif, hollows macroforms, sierra morena, Spain

Hollows in the Sierra de Aracena, part of western sector of Sierra Morena region (Huelva, Spain), are geoecologically unusual macroforms. They are underlain by deeply weathered bedrock but have eutrophic soils with distinctive vegetation. Paleosols with very dark colours, a predominance of smectites and large amounts of total and free iron occur on the floors on the hollows. An evolutionary model is proposed for the hollows, involving differential weathering during the Mesozoic on plutonic and amphibolitic rocks, alpine tectonic activity followed by Quaternary erosion and exhumation leading to formation of erosional terraces