Evolução da paisagem de montado no Alentejo interior ao longo do século XX: dinâmica e incidências ambientais

TitleEvolução da paisagem de montado no Alentejo interior ao longo do século XX: dinâmica e incidências ambientais
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsD Ferreira, B.
JournalFinisterra: Revista portuguesa de geografia
Keywordsagricultural system, Agroforestry, climate modification, land use history, montado landscape, soil erosion

EVOLUTION OF THE MONTADO LANDSCAPE IN THE INNER ALENTEJO DURING THE 20TH CENTURY. DYNAMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES – This paper presents the general context within which the montado landscape changed in the inner Alentejo during the 20th century as well as some of the environmental consequences, such as soil degradation and modification of the local climate. In large areas nowadays abandoned, the landscape dynamics depends more on environmental limitations created by soil degradation that on purely socio-economical factors.