Laccase activity of forest litter

TitleLaccase activity of forest litter
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsCriquet, S., Tagger S., & Vogt G.
JournalSoil Biology and Biochemistry
KeywordsExtraction, laccase, litter

Laccases are blue-copper enzymatic proteins involved in the transformation of polyphenolic compounds, such as lignin, into forest litter. A method to measure their activity was developed using an evergreen oak litter as a model system. We considered factors that a€ect the extraction of these enzymes and the measurement of their activity. The factors studied included powdering of the leaves, adding polyvinylpolypyrrolidone or Tween 80, adsorption of enzymes on centrifugation pellets, concentration of the extracts, nature and molarity of the extraction solvent, amount of powdered leaves used for enzymatic extraction, extraction time, pH, and temperature during the measurement of the activity