Cytogenetic studies on Quercus L. (Fagaceae) species belonging to Ilex and Cerris section in Turkey

TitleCytogenetic studies on Quercus L. (Fagaceae) species belonging to Ilex and Cerris section in Turkey
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsYilmaz, A., Uslu E., & M Babac T.
KeywordsCerris, ilex, Karyotype analyses, Quercus, Turkey

A detailed karyotype analyses of the five species of Quercus L. (Q. coccifera L., Q. ilex L., Q. aucheri Taub. & Spach, Q. cerris L. and Q. ithaburensis Decne subsp. macrolepsis (Kotschy) Hedge & Yak.) belonging to Ilex and Cerris section were examined. The somatic chromosome number of all studied taxa 2n=24 was found. The karyotypes of investigated species showed the great similarity with the chromosome length and the position of centromere. Chromosome number and detailed karyotype of these species were first time counted from Turkey.