Association Scolytus intricatus - Bursaphelenchus eremus on Oak in Italy

TitleAssociation Scolytus intricatus - Bursaphelenchus eremus on Oak in Italy
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMarianelli, L., Marziali L., Carletti B., Pennacchio F., Cotroneo A., & Roversi P. Federico
JournalSilva Lusitana
ISBN Number0870-6352 UL -
KeywordsBursaphelenchus eremus, nematode/beetle association, Scolitus intricatus

Recent zoological research carried out in several regions of northern and central Italy has revealed a remarkable occurrence of Nematodes inside the tissues of trunks and branches of various oak species, i.e., Quercus cerris, Q. robur and Q. suber. Taxonomic studies of samples collected from the natural Parks of Ticino Valley, Stupinigi, Groane and Sesia (Lombardia and Piemonte regions) and from Montefalcone and Maremma areas (Tuscany) have always led to detection of the presence of Bursaphelenchus eremus Rühm (Goodey) which had so far only been recorded from Germany, the Czech Republic and Georgia. Plenty of individuals of the nematode were always found inside the samples and a high reproduction rate of that species was confirmed in the laboratory. The nematode was seen to be massively transported by the scolytid insect Scolytus intricatus Ratz. so that where high population levels of that bark beetle are present, the nematode/beetle association can become very harmful to the host oaks.