Study of a soil Julidae community in Mediterranean forest (Diplopoda, Julida)

TitleStudy of a soil Julidae community in Mediterranean forest (Diplopoda, Julida)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsSerra, A., Miquel C., Mateos E., & Vicente C.
Keywordscommun, diplopoda, mediterranean forest, millipede

This work is part of a larger study on the communities of epigean andedaphic arthropods from the Pare Natural de Sant Llorenc de Munt(Barcelona, Spain). The study was performed in an experimental plot in asclerophyllous forest of Mediterranean climate, consisting mainly ofQuercus ilex and Pinus halepensis. Field sampling was performed during25 consecutive months in order to quantify the density of Julidae. Inthe experimental plot (40 x 40 m), three horizons were sampled: L+F(leaf litter fall), H (humus), and A (the first five cm oft he minerallayer). Among the studied material, we found four species of Julidae:Cylindroiulus punctatus (Leach, 1815), Cylindroiulus sanctimichaelisAttems, 1927, Leptoiulus belgicus (Latzel, 1884), and Ommatoiulussabulosus (Linnaeus, 1758), with mean densities of 39.45, 35.22, 3.79and 0.77 ind./m(2), respectively. We didn't find significant differencesin mean density between months during the study period for any of thesefour species. The vertical distribution along the edaphic profile wasevaluated using the index of Usher. All species showed a preference forhorizon H, with occasional migrations towards the deeper level A, or theshallower level L/F. The analysis of the distribution of juvenile andadult specimens indicated that the reproductive periods occurred mostlyin late winter or spring, while the recruitment occurred in spring-earlysummer.