Influence of cutting methods and dates on stump sprouting in Holm oak (Quercus ilex L) coppice

TitleInfluence of cutting methods and dates on stump sprouting in Holm oak (Quercus ilex L) coppice
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsDucrey, M., & Turrel M.
JournalAnn. For. Sci.
Keywordscoppice, cutting date, cutting method, Quercus ilex L, stump sprout

The goals of this study were to compare height growth of stump sprouts in Quercus ilex stools cut by different methods at various times during the year. Four cutting methods were compared: chain saw at ground level and at 15 cm above ground, axe, and 'saut du piquet' ('stump breaking'). Cuttings were carried out every 2 months for a period of 1 year. Several important results can be described 4 years after cutting. Cuttings performed during the dormant season resulted in minimum stool mortality, and maximum new sprout number, height and diameter growth. An exception was cutting made during a winter frost period. Summer cuttings led to the poorest growth which, however, tended to be regained in subsequent years. Axe and chain saw cuttings yielded better results than 'saut du piquet' cutting. This last method resulted in high stool mortality and both fewer and smaller sprouts. Sprouts appeared to be more numerous and grew better when the stools initially had large and numerous shoots.