Estudio de la influencia de la fertilizacion nitrogenada y la iluminacion sobre atributos morfologicos y fisiologicos de brinzales de Q.suber L. CULTIVADO EN VIVERO. RESULTADOS DEL 1er. AÑO EN CAMPO

TitleEstudio de la influencia de la fertilizacion nitrogenada y la iluminacion sobre atributos morfologicos y fisiologicos de brinzales de Q.suber L. CULTIVADO EN VIVERO. RESULTADOS DEL 1er. AÑO EN CAMPO
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsG. Romero, M., R. González P., J. Muncharaz Z., D. Quero B., A. Sanz V., & M. Arias L.
Conference NameIII Congreso Forestal Español Congreso
Date Published2001///
KeywordsCork oak, fertilization, ilumination, Quercus suber L.

This essay studies the influence of fertilization and illumination of Q.suber L. in container seedlings. Plants were tested in three diferents levels of fertilization (control substrate, fertilizated substrate and fertilizated substrate plus nitrogen supplied) with two of illumination (full light conditions and a reduction of 50% illumination). After the first year in nursery, plants was installed in survey parcels, where growing measures and survival rates were studied