Cork composites and their role in sustainable development

TitleCork composites and their role in sustainable development
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSoares, B., Reis L., & Sousa L.
JournalProcedia Engineering
Pagination3214 - 3219
Date Published2011///
Keywordscork composites, Environmental impact, experimental tests, sustainability design

With the current challenges that the industrial world faces regarding the unavoidable environmental impact of manufacturing goods, companies have been turning to sustainable design in order to reduce this impact and to minimize the damage to the environment while at the same time reaping the marketing bonus that is the claim of a greener product. This reduction of environmental impact is being done at multiple levels and especially at the design stage and one of the ways taken by companies to reduce this impact is to replace fuel-based materials such as polymers with natural materials. But in order for this replacement to take place, engineers and designers need to know the behavior of these materials. With that idea a set of mechanical tests and studies, namely bending and compression tests, have been performed on cork composites. Those composites were chosen for its importance to the Portuguese economy and its peculiar growth cycle and harvesting techniques, in order to ascertain the mechanical properties of cork composites and how it stands against polymers.