Fragmentation of Suberin and Composition of Aliphatic Monomers Released by Methanolysis of Cork from Quercus suber L.,Analysed by GC-MS, SEC and MALDI-MS

TitleFragmentation of Suberin and Composition of Aliphatic Monomers Released by Methanolysis of Cork from Quercus suber L.,Analysed by GC-MS, SEC and MALDI-MS
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsBento, M. F., Pereira H., Cunha M. Á., Moutinho A. M. C., van den Berg K. J., Boon J. J., van den Brink O., & Heeren R. M. A.
Pagination487 - 493
Date Published2005///
KeywordsCork, MALDI-MS, Methanolysis, Quercus suber L., SEC, Suberin fragmentation

Suberin from extractive-free cork from Quercus suber L. was depolymerised by methanolysis using different sodium methanolate (NaOMe) concentrations. 1% and 3% NaOMe completely removed suberin from cork (54%–56% of extractive-free cork), but for lower concentrations there was incomplete solubilisation; with 0.05% NaOMe, only approximately 80% of total suberin was removed. The monomeric composition of the extracts differed significantly: for the 0.05% NaOMe, only alkanoic acids and diacids were found; the yield of v-hydroxy acids increased with reactant concentration, as well as alkanols and ferulic acid. Results from light scattering, SEC and MALDI-MS showed that soluble oligomeric fragments containing suberinic acids were present in the methanolysis mixture. The molecular weight of these oligomeric fragments decreased with higher sodium methanolate concentrations.