Research Publications
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Tree-rings reflect the impact of climate change on Quercus ilex L. along a temperature gradient in Spain over the last 100years.
Forest Ecology and Management. 262(9), 1807 - 1816.
(2011). Analysis of holm oak intraspecific competition using Gamma regression.
Forest Science. 55(4), 310 - 322.
(2009). Changes in limiting resources determine spatio-temporal variability in tree–grass interactions.
Agroforestry Systems. 76(2), 375 - 387.
(2009). Acorn production in Spanish holm oak woodlands.
Forest Systems. 15, 339 - 354.
(2008). Silviculture and Carbon Sequestration in Mediterranean Oak Forests.
(Bravo, F., Jandl R., LeMay V., & Gadow K. V., Ed.).Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change,. 317 - 318.
(2008). Generalized height-diameter and crown diameter prediction models for cork oak forests in Spain.
Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 16(1), 76 - 88.
(2007). Influencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero.
II Congreso Forestal Español. 491 - 496.