Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Graça, José and Keyword is suberin [Clear All Filters]
Glycerol-derived ester oligomers from cork suberin..
Chemistry and physics of lipids. 144, 96-107.
(2006). Glycerol-derived ester oligomers from cork suberin..
Chemistry and physics of lipids. 144(1), 96 - 107.
(2006). Feruloyl Esters of ω-Hydroxyacids in Cork Suberin.
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 18, 207-217.
(1998). Cork Suberin: A Glyceryl Based Polyester.
Holzforschung - International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood. 51, 225-234.
(1997). Suberina: o polímero responsá vel pelas propriedades da cortiça.
II Congreso Forestal Español. 225-228.