Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Rambal, Serge and Keyword is Quercus ilex [Clear All Filters]
The temporal response to drought in a Mediterranean evergreen tree: comparing a regional precipitation gradient and a throughfall exclusion experiment.
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 19(8), 2413 - 2426.
(2013). The temporal response to drought in a Mediterranean evergreen tree: comparing a regional precipitation gradient and a throughfall exclusion experiment.
(2013). Modelling rainfall interception in a mediterranean Quercus ilex ecosystem: Lesson from a throughfall exclusion experiment.
Journal of Hydrology. 357(1-2), 57 - 66.
(2008). The key-role of topsoil moisture on CO$_2$ efflux from a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest.
Ann. For. Sci.. 60, 519-526.
(2003). Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex.
Physiologia Plantarum. 114, 354-360.
(2002). Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex.
Physiologia Plantarum. 114(3), 354 - 360.
(2002). Within-tree variation in transpiration in isolated evergreen oak trees: evidence in support of the pipe model theory.
Tree Physiology. 21, 409-414.
(2001). Co-occurrence of trees with different leaf habit: A functional approach on Mediterranean oaks.
Acta Oecologica. 19, 195-204.
(1998). Co-occurrence of trees with different leaf habit: A functional approach on Mediterranean oaks.
Acta Oecologica. 19(3), 195 - 204.
(1998). Retrieving leaf conductances from sap flows in a mixed Mediterranean woodland: a scaling exercise.
Ann. For. Sci.. 55(1-2), 173 - 190.
(1998). Retrieving leaf conductances from sap flows in a mixed Mediterranean woodland: a scaling exercise.
Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 173-190.