Research Publications
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Erinea formation on Quercus ilex leaves: anatomical, physiological and chemical responses of leaf trichomes against mite attack..
Phytochemistry. 72(2-3), 230 - 237.
Penetration of UV-A, UV-B and blue light through the leaf trichome layers of two xeromorphic plants, olive and oak, measured by optical fibre microprobes.
Physiologia Plantarum. 105(4), 655 - 661.
(1999). The dense indumentum with its polyphenol content may replace the protective role of the epidermis in some young xeromorphic leaves.
Canadian Journal of Botany. 74(3), 347 - 351.
(1996). The dense indumentum with its polyphenol content may replace the protective role of the epidermis in some young xeromorphic leaves.
Canadian Journal of Botany. 74, 347-351.
(1996). UV-B protective potential and flavonoid content of leaf hairs of Quercus ilex.
Phytochemistry. 37, 987-990.