Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Pereira, Helena and Keyword is Cork [Clear All Filters]
Aliphatic bio-oils from corks: A Py–GC/MS study.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis.
(2014). Thermal behaviour of cork and cork components.
Thermochimica Acta. 582, 94 - 100.
(2014). Effect of Density on the Compression Behaviour of Cork.
Materials & Design.
(2013). Gas transport through cork: Modelling gas permeation based on the morphology of a natural polymer material.
Journal of Membrane Science. 428, 52 - 62.
(2013). Permeability of Cork for Water and Ethanol.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(40), 9672 - 9679.
(2013). Variability of the Chemical Composition of Cork.
BioResources. 8, 2246-2256.
(2013). Cellular structure and chemical composition of cork from the Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis).
Journal of Wood Science.
(2012). Drying kinetics of cork planks in a cork pile in the field.
Food and Bioproducts Processing. 1 - 9.
(2012). Lignin monomeric composition of corks from the barks of Betula pendula, Quercus suber and Quercus cerris determined by Py–GC–MS/FID.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 1-7.
(2012). Study of thermochemical treatments of cork in the 150–400°C range using colour analysis and FTIR spectroscopy.
Industrial Crops and Products. 38, 132-138.
(2012). Temperature-induced structural and chemical changes in cork from Quercus cerris.
Industrial Crops and Products. 37, 508-513.
(2012). The cellular structure of cork from Quercus cerris var. cerris bark in a materials’ perspective.
Industrial Crops and Products. 34, 929-936.
(2011). Characterization of radial bending properties of cork.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 69, 557-563.
(2011). Suberized Cell Walls of Cork from Cork Oak Differ from Other Species.
Microscopy and Microanalysis. 16(5), 569 - 575.
(2010). Tensile properties of cork in axial stress and influence of porosity, density, quality and radial position in the plank.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 69(1), 85 - 91.
(2010). Ultrastructural Observations Reveal the Presence of Channels between Cork Cells.
(2009). Ultrastructural Observations Reveal the Presence of Channels between Cork Cells.
(2009). Effect of quality, porosity and density on the compression properties of cork.
Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. 66, 295-301.
(2008). Effect of quality, porosity and density on the compression properties of cork.
Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. 66(4), 295 - 301.
(2008). The periderm development in Quercus suber.
IAWA Journal. 25, 325-335.
(2004). Caractérisation de la croissance et de la qualité du liège dans une région de production.
Ann. For. Sci.. 57, 187-193.
(2000). Caractérisation de la croissance et de la qualité du liège dans une région de production.
Ann. For. Sci.. 57(2), 187 - 193.
(2000). Methanolysis of bark suberins: analysis of glycerol and acid monomers.
Phytochemical Analysis. 11, 45-51.
(2000). Feruloyl Esters of ω-Hydroxyacids in Cork Suberin.
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 18, 207-217.
(1998). Cork Suberin: A Glyceryl Based Polyester.
Holzforschung - International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood. 51, 225-234.
(1997). Suberina: o polímero responsá vel pelas propriedades da cortiça.
II Congreso Forestal Español. 225-228.
(1997). Variaçáo da porosidade da cortiça ao longo do tronco dosobreiro.
II Congreso Forestal Español. 253 - 258.
(1997). Variaçáo da porosidade da cortiça ao longo do tronco dosobreiro.
II Congreso Forestal Español. 253-258.
(1997). High - pressure extraction of cork with CO2 and 1,4-dioxane.
High Pressure Chemical Engineering Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on High Pressure Chemical Engineering. Volume 12, 417-422.
IAWA Bulletin. 8, 213-218.