Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter and Keyword is Quercus ilex [Clear All Filters]
Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex.
Physiologia Plantarum. 114(3), 354 - 360.
(2002). Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex.
Physiologia Plantarum. 114, 354-360.
(2002). Isolation and functional analysis of a cDNA encoding a myrcene synthase from holm oak (Quercus ilex L.).
European Journal of Biochemistry. 268, 5633-5638.
(2001). Isolation and functional analysis of a cDNA encoding a myrcene synthase from holm oak (Quercus ilex L.).
European Journal of Biochemistry. 268(21), 5633 - 5638.