Research Publications
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Abandonment and management in Spanish dehesa systems: Effects on soil features and plant species richness and composition.
Forest Ecology and Management. 257, 731-738.
(2009). Plant and carabid beetle species diversity in relation to forest type and structural heterogeneity.
European Journal of Forest Research. 129, 31-45.
(2008). Plant and carabid beetle species diversity in relation to forest type and structural heterogeneity.
European Journal of Forest Research. 129(1), 31 - 45.
(2008). Forest structure and understory diversity in Quercus pyrenaica communities with different human uses and disturbances.
Forest Ecology and Management. 227(1-2), 50 - 58.
(2006). Forest structure and understory diversity in Quercus pyrenaica communities with different human uses and disturbances.
Forest Ecology and Management. 227, 50-58.