Research Publications
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Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota: a study on tree growth, rhizosphere community structure and mycorrhizal infection.
Forest Ecology and Management. 194(1-3), 293 - 303.
(2004). Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota: a study on tree growth, rhizosphere community structure and mycorrhizal infection.
Forest Ecology and Management. 194, 293-303.
(2004). Growth of forest plants (pine and holm-oak) inoculated with rhizobacteria: relationship with microbial community structure and biological activity of its rhizosphere.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 52(3), 239 - 251.
(2004). Growth of forest plants (pine and holm-oak) inoculated with rhizobacteria: relationship with microbial community structure and biological activity of its rhizosphere.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 52, 239-251.