Research Publications
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Impacts of changing climate and land use on vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: insights from paleoecology and dynamic modeling.
Landscape Ecology.
(2012). Vegetation dynamics during the early to mid-Holocene transition in NW Malta, human impact versus climatic forcing.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
(2012). Fire-vegetation interactions during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition at Lago dell'Accesa, Tuscany, Italy.
HOLOCENE. 18(5), 679 - 692.
(2008). Environmental impact of neolithic and bronze age farming in the eastern Pyrenees forelands, based on multidisciplinary investigations at La Caune de B�lesta (B�lesta Cave), near Perpignan, France.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 7(1), 1 - 9.
(1998). Vegetation changes and human action from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (7000–4000 BP) in Alicante, Spain, based on charcoal analysis.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 1994, 155 - 166.