Research Publications
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Filters: Keyword is mediterranean forest soils [Clear All Filters]
Microbial dynamics in Mediterranean Moder humus.
Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48(3), 259 - 270.
(2011). Intensity and persistence of water repellency in relation to vegetation types and soil parameters in Mediterranean SW Spain.
Geoderma. 152(3-4), 361 - 374.
(2009). Intensity and persistence of water repellency in relation to vegetation types and soil parameters in Mediterranean SW Spain.
Geoderma. 152, 361-374.
(2009). TMAH-preparative thermochemolysis for the characterization of organic matter in densimetric fractions of a Mediterranean forest soil.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 85, 435-441.
(2009). Dictyostelids from Mediterranean forests of the south of Europe.
Mycological Progress. 5, 231-241.
(2006). Dictyostelids from Mediterranean forests of the south of Europe.
Mycological Progress. 5(4), 231 - 241.
(2006). Signatures of lipid assemblages in soils under continental Mediterranean forests.
European Journal of Soil Science. 47(2), 183 - 196.
(1996). Signatures of lipid assemblages in soils under continental Mediterranean forests.
European Journal of Soil Science. 47, 183-196.