Research Publications
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Root functioning, tree water use and hydraulic redistribution in Quercus suber trees: A modeling approach based on root sap flow.
Forest Ecology and Management. 307, 136 - 146.
(2013). DO3SE modelling of soil moisture to determine ozone flux to forest trees.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12(12), 5537 - 5562.
(2012). Soil water content at the catchment level and plant water status relationships in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest.
Journal of Hydrology. 357(1-2), 67 - 75.
(2008). Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”.
Tree Physiology. 27(7), 929 - 940.
(2007). Nitrogen circulation in a Mediterranean holm oak forest, La Castanya, Montseny, northeastern Spain.
Hydrology and Earth System …. 551 - 558.