Research Publications
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Dealing with vagueness in complex forest landscapes: A soft classification approach through a niche-based distribution model.
Ecological Informatics. 6(6), 371 - 383.
(2011). Analysis of spatial patterns of oak decline in cork oak woodlands in Mediterranean conditions.
Annals of Forest Science. 67(2),
(2010). An increase in canopy cover leads to masting in Quercus ilex.
Trees. 24(5), 909 - 918.
(2010). Baseline characterization of major Iberian vegetation types based on the NDVI dynamics.
Plant Ecology. 202(1), 13 - 29.
(2008). Forest defoliation using IKONOS sensor for cork oak (Quercus suber L.) woods in Southern Spain.
Forest Systems; Vol 14, No 2 (2005).
(2008). Remote estimation of carbon dioxide uptake by a Mediterranean forest.
Global Change Biology. 14(12), 2860 - 2867.
(2008). Estimation of plant diversity at landscape level: a methodological approach applied to three Spanish rural areas.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 95, 97 - 116.
(2004). Monitoring Leaf Area Index of Mediterranean oak woodlands: Comparison of remotely-sensed estimates with simulations from an ecological process-based model.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(17), 3441 - 3456.