Research Publications
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Evolution of forest cover in Portugal: A review of the 12th-20th centuries.
(2014). Effectiveness of habitat management in the recovery of low-density populations of wild rabbit.
European Journal of Wildlife Research. 59(6), 847 - 858.
(2013). Is land cover an important asset for addressing the subjective landscape dimensions?.
Land Use Policy. 35, 50 - 60.
(2013). Life-cycle assessment of typical Portuguese cork oak woodlands..
The Science of the total environment. 452-453, 355-364.
(2013). The role of holm oak edges in the control of disturbance and conservation of plant diversity in fire-prone landscapes.
Forest Ecology and Management. 297, 37-48.
(2013). Implementation of a module for risk of ozone impacts assessment to vegetation in the Integrated Assessment Modelling system for the Iberian Peninsula. Evaluation for wheat and Holm oak..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 165, 25 - 37.
(2012). A new species of Metabelbella (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) from Quercus forests of southern Portugal.
International Journal of Acarology. 38(4), 282 - 289.
(2012). Unveiling the fungal mycobiota present throughout the cork stopper manufacturing process.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82, 202-214.
(2012). Use of an airborne lidar system to model plant species composition and diversity of Mediterranean oak forests..
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. 26, 840-850.
(2012). Canopy cover influence on macrofungal richness and sporocarp production in montado ecosystems.
Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 149 - 159.
(2011). Historical review of land use changes in Portugal (before and after EU integration in 1986) and their implications for land degradation and conservation, with a focus on Centro and Alentejo regions.
Applied Geography. 31(3), 1036 - 1048.
(2011). Opportunities and Constraints for Climate Adaptation in Regional Water and Land Use Planning.
(W Filho, L., Ed.).The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. 669-692.
(2011). Social amoebae: environmental factors influencing their distribution and diversity across south-western Europe..
Microbial ecology. 61, 154-165.
(2011). Oak persistence in Mediterranean landscapes: the combined role of management, topography, and wildfires.
Ecology and society. 15(4),
(2010). Application of indicator kriging to the complementary use of bioindicators at three trophic levels..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 157(10), 2689 - 2696.
(2009). Application of indicator kriging to the complementary use of bioindicators at three trophic levels..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 157, 2689-2696.
(2009). Farmer-specific relationships between land use change and landscape factors: Introducing agents in empirical land use modelling.
Land Use Policy. 26, 809-817.
(2009). Farmer-specific relationships between land use change and landscape factors: Introducing agents in empirical land use modelling.
Land Use Policy. 26(3), 809 - 817.
(2009). Plant response to disturbance in a Mediterranean grassland: How many functional groups?.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 10, 661-672.
(2009). Assessing spider species richness and composition in Mediterranean cork oak forests.
Acta Oecologica. 33(1), 114 - 127.
(2008). Assessing spider species richness and composition in Mediterranean cork oak forests.
Acta Oecologica. 33, 114-127.
(2008). Eurasian badger habitat selection in Mediterranean environments: Does scale really matter?.
Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 73(3), 189 - 198.
(2008). Eurasian badger habitat selection in Mediterranean environments: Does scale really matter?.
Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 73, 189-198.
(2008). Silviculture and Carbon Sequestration in Mediterranean Oak Forests.
(Bravo, F., Jandl R., LeMay V., & Gadow K. V., Ed.).Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change,. 317 - 318.
(2008). Silviculture and Carbon Sequestration in Mediterranean Oak Forests.
(Bravo, F., Jandl R., LeMay V., & Gadow K. V., Ed.).Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change,. 317-318.
(2008). Silvopastoral systems in Portugal: Current status and future prospects.
(Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Ed.).Agroforestry in Europe: Current Status and Future Prospects.. 111-126.
(2008). Silvopastoral systems in Portugal: Current status and future prospects.
(Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Ed.).Agroforestry in Europe: Current Status and Future Prospects.. 111 - 126.
(2008). Factors affecting the placement of common genet latrine sites in a Mediterranean landscape in Portugal.
Journal of mammalogy. 88, 201-207.
(2007). Factors affecting the placement of common genet latrine sites in a Mediterranean landscape in Portugal.
Journal of mammalogy. 88(1), 201 - 207.
(2007). Geophysical imaging of root-zone, trunk, and moisture heterogeneity.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 58(4), 839 - 854.