Research Publications
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Filters: Keyword is Quercus ilex L [Clear All Filters]
Shoot growth efficiency and production of Quercus ilex L. in different climates.
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, …. 197, 2 - 9.
(2002). Leaves of Quercus ilex L. as biomonitors of PAHs in the air of Naples (Italy).
Atmospheric Environment. 35(21), 3553 - 3559.
(2001). Self- and cross-pollination effects on pollen tube growth and seed set in holm oak Quercus ilex L (Fagaceae).
Ann. For. Sci.. 54(5), 447 - 462.
(1997). Leaf Contamination by Atmospheric Pollutants as Assessed by Elemental Analysis of Leaf Tissue, Leaf Surface Deposit and Soil.
Journal of Plant Physiology. 148(1-2), 243 - 248.