Research Publications
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Litter quality assessed by solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy predicts decay rate better than C/N and Lignin/N ratios.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 56, 40 - 48.
(2013). Ozone fumigation of Quercus ilex L. slows down leaf litter decomposition with no detectable change in leaf composition.
ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE. 70(6), 571 - 578.
(2013). Litter diversity, fungal decomposers and litter decomposition under simulated stream intermittency.
Functional Ecology. 25(6), 1269 - 1277.
(2011). The fate of condensed tannins during litter consumption by soil animals.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41(12), 2573 - 2578.
(2009). Leaf-Litter Mixtures Affect Breakdown and Macroinvertebrate Colonization Rates in a Stream Ecosystem.
International Review of Hydrobiology. 94(4), 436 - 451.
(2009). Decomposition of the organic matter in two forest ecosystems (Natural Park of Montseny, Spain) - I. Abundance, biomass and distribution of the soil microarthropods.
(1998). Field decomposition of leaf litters: earthworm–microorganism interactions—the ploughing-in effect.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 30(6), 795 - 804.
(1998). Long-term CO 2-enrichment in a Mediterranean natural forest: An application of large Open Top Chambers.
Chemosphere. 36(4), 763 - 770.