Research Publications
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Breeding ecology of the Atlas Pied Flycatcher Ficedula speculigera in an old oak Quercus suber forest in northeastern Algeria.
Bird Study. 1-9.
(2014). Cavity-nesting birds show threshold responses to stand structure in native oak forests of northwestern Tunisia.
Forest Ecology and Management. 325, 1-7.
(2014). Fragmentation patterns of evergreen oak woodlands in Southwestern Iberia: Identifying key spatial indicators.
Journal of Environmental Management. 133, 18 - 26.
(2014). Performance of LAI-MODIS and the influence on drought simulation in a Mediterranean forest.
Ecohydrology. 7, 1014-1028.
(2014). Dampening effects of long-term experimental drought on growth and mortality rates of a Holm oak forest.
(2013). Remotely sensed indicators of forest conservation status: Case study from a Natura 2000 site in southern Portugal.
Ecological Indicators. 24, 636-647.
(2013). Short-term dynamics of Quercus ilex advance regeneration in a Pinus nigra plantation after the creation of small canopy gaps.
FOREST SYSTEMS. 22(2), 179 - 188.
(2013). Testing of models of stomatal ozone fluxes with field measurements in a mixed Mediterranean forest.
Atmospheric Environment. 67, 242-251.
(2013). Impacts of changing climate and land use on vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: insights from paleoecology and dynamic modeling.
Landscape Ecology.
(2012). Leaf and stand-level carbon uptake of a Mediterranean forest estimated using the satellite-derived reflectance indices EVI and PRI.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(4), 1282 - 1296.
(2012). Time to rethink the management intensity in a Mediterranean oak woodland: the response of insectivorous birds and leaf-chewing defoliators as key groups in the forest ecosystem.
Annals of Forest Science.
(2012). Wood provisioning in Mediterranean forests: A bottom-up spatial valuation approach.
Forest Policy and Economics. 20, 78 - 88.
(2012). Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to temperature and water availability in two co-dominant Mediterranean shrub and tree species in a long-term field experiment simulating climate change.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 73, 89 - 93.
(2011). Factors affecting nutrient concentration and stoichiometry of forest trees in Catalonia (NE Spain).
Forest Ecology and Management. 262(11), 2024 - 2034.
(2011). Integration of ground and satellite data to model Mediterranean forest processes.
(2011). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Integration of ground and satellite data to model Mediterranean forest processes.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 13(3), 504 - 515.
(2011). Mediterranean pine and oak distribution in southern Spain: Is there a mismatch between regeneration and adult distribution?.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 22, 18-31.
(2011). The mountain woodlands of western Crete - plant communities, forest goods, grazing impact and conservation.
Phytocoenologia. 41(2), 73 - 115.
(2011). Assessing the resilience of Mediterranean holm oaks to disturbances using selective thinning.
Acta Oecologica. 35, 849-854.
(2009). Assessing the resilience of Mediterranean holm oaks to disturbances using selective thinning.
Acta Oecologica. 35(6), 849 - 854.
(2009). The fate of condensed tannins during litter consumption by soil animals.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41(12), 2573 - 2578.
(2009). The fate of condensed tannins during litter consumption by soil animals.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41, 2573-2578.
(2009). Influence of forest structure and environmental variables on recruit survival and performance of two Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea L. and Q. suber Lam.).
European Journal of Forest Research. 128(1), 27 - 36.
(2008). Influence of forest structure and environmental variables on recruit survival and performance of two Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea L. and Q. suber Lam.).
European Journal of Forest Research. 128, 27-36.
(2008). Application of BIOME-BGC to simulate Mediterranean forest processes.
Ecological Modelling. 206, 179-190.
(2007). Application of BIOME-BGC to simulate Mediterranean forest processes.
Ecological Modelling. 206(1-2), 179 - 190.
(2007). Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”.
Tree Physiology. 27, 929-940.
(2007). Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”.
Tree Physiology. 27(7), 929 - 940.
(2007). Predicting the Recovery of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex Forests after a Large Wildfire in Northeastern Spain.
Plant Ecology. 180(1), 47 - 56.