Research Publications

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Carrión, J. S., & Van Geel B. (1999).  Fine-resolution Upper Weichselian and Holocene palynological record from Navarrés (Valencia, Spain) and a discussion about factors of Mediterranean forest succession. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 106, 209 - 236.
Carrión, J. S., & Van Geel B. (1999).  Fine-resolution Upper Weichselian and Holocene palynological record from Navarrés (Valencia, Spain) and a discussion about factors of Mediterranean forest succession. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 106, 209-236.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144, 525-532.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144(3), 525 - 532.
Fa, J. E., Sharples C. M., & Bell D. J. (1999).  Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain. Journal of Zoology. 249(1), 83 - 96.
Fa, J. E., Sharples C. M., & Bell D. J. (1999).  Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain. Journal of Zoology. 249, 83-96.
