Research Publications
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Restoring silvopastures with oak saplings: effects of mulch and diameter class on survival, growth, and annual leaf-nutrient patterns.
Agroforestry Systems. 88, 935-946.
(2014). First Report of Root Rot Caused by Pythium spiculum Affecting Cork Oaks at Donana Biological Reserve in Spain.
(2013). Holocene vegetation, fire and climate interactions on the westernmost fringe of the Mediterranean Basin.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 59, 5-17.
(2013). Interspecific differences in tree growth and mortality responses to environmental drivers determine potential species distributional limits in Iberian forests.
Global Ecology and Biogeography. n/a - n/a.
(2013). Modelling the nesting-habitat of the Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus on a fine scale for conservation purposes.
BIRD STUDY. 60(4), 533 - 538.
(2013). Physiological and Proteomic Analyses of Drought Stress Response in Holm Oak Provenances.
Journal of Proteome Research. 12, 5110-5123.
(2013). Relationship between projected changes in future climatic suitability and demographic and functional traits of forest tree species in Spain.
Climatic Change. 120(1-2), 449 - 462.
(2013). Relationship between projected changes in future climatic suitability and demographic and functional traits of forest tree species in Spain.
Climatic Change. 120, 449-462.
(2013). The Spanish livestock model: A coevolutionary analysis.
Ecological Economics. 93, 342-350.
(2013). Knowledge of ethnoveterinary medicine in the Province of Granada, Andalusia, Spain..
Journal of ethnopharmacology. 139(2), 429 - 439.
(2012). Proteomic analysis of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) pollen..
Journal of proteomics. 75, 2736-44.
(2012). Sarcosaprophagous Diptera assemblages in natural habitats in central Spain: spatial and seasonal changes in composition.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 27, no--no.
(2012). Sporadic rainy events are more critical than increasing of drought intensity for woody species recruitment in a Mediterranean community..
Oecologia. 169, 833-844.
(2012). Unveiling the fungal mycobiota present throughout the cork stopper manufacturing process.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82, 202-214.
(2012). Assessing the effects of vegetation type on hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in a Mediterranean landscape: implications for conservation.
Journal of Insect Conservation. 15, 865-877.
(2011). Changes in land cover and vegetation carbon stocks in Andalusia, Southern Spain (1956-2007)..
The Science of the total environment. 409, 2796-2806.
(2011). Modelling the influence of peri-urban trees in the air quality of Madrid region (Spain)..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 159, 2138-2147.
(2011). Opportunities and Constraints for Climate Adaptation in Regional Water and Land Use Planning.
(W Filho, L., Ed.).The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. 669-692.
(2011). Rapid characterization of dry cured ham produced following different PDOs by proton transfer reaction time of flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS)..
Talanta. 85(1), 386 - 393.
(2011). The use of forest resources in central Iberia during the Late Iron Age. Insights from the wood charcoal analysis of Pintia, a Vaccaean oppidum.
Journal of Archaeological Science. 38, 1-10.
(2011). Effects of forest management on epiphytic lichen diversity in Mediterranean forests.
(2010). The historical origins of aridity and vegetation degradation in southeastern Spain.
Journal of Arid Environments. 74(7), 731 - 736.
(2010). Past tree range dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula inferred through phylogeography and palaeodistribution modelling: A review.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 162(3), 507 - 521.
(2010). Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the western part of Granada province (southern Spain): ethnopharmacological synthesis..
Journal of ethnopharmacology. 129(1), 87 - 105.
(2010). Quantitatively defining the conservation status of Natura 2000 forest habitats and improving management options for enhancing biodiversity.
Biodiversity and Conservation. 19(8), 2221 - 2233.
Geographical Review. 92(3), 333 - 353.
(2010). Seasonal trends and spatial relations between environmental/meteorological factors and leishmaniosis sand fly vector abundances in Central Spain.
ACTA TROPICA. 115(1-2, SI), 95 - 102.
(2010). Acorn crop size and pre-dispersal predation determine inter-specific differences in the recruitment of co-occurring oaks..
Oecologia. 161(3), 559 - 68.
(2009). Influence of Climate on Radial Growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus Ilex Subsp. Ballota Desf) from SW Spain.
Geochronometria. 34,
(2009). Influence of Climate on Radial Growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus Ilex Subsp. Ballota Desf) from SW Spain.
Geochronometria. 34, 49.