Research Publications
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Towards the harmonization between National Forest Inventory and Forest Condition Monitoring. Consistency of plot allocation and effect of tree selection methods on sample statistics in Italy.
(2013). Classifying and Mapping Potential Distribution of Forest Types Using a Finite Mixture Model.
Folia Geobotanica.
(2012). Impacts of changing climate and land use on vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: insights from paleoecology and dynamic modeling.
Landscape Ecology.
(2012). The likely impact of climate change on the biodiversity of Italian forests.
Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. 9(6), 245 - 250.
(2012). Traditional plant use in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Campania, Southern, Italy..
Journal of ethnopharmacology. 145(1), 328 - 342.
(2012). Biodiversity of wood-decay fungi in Italy.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 145(4), 958 - 968.
(2011). Fire-vegetation interactions during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition at Lago dell'Accesa, Tuscany, Italy.
HOLOCENE. 18(5), 679 - 692.
(2008). Leaf accumulation of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Quercus ilex L..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 153(2), 376 - 383.
(2008). An application case of ecological indicator values (Zeigerwerte) calculated with a simple algorithmic approach.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 141(1), 15 - 21.
(2007). Temporal variations in PAH concentrations in Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) leaves in an urban area..
Chemosphere. 61(3), 432 - 440.
(2005). Comparative study of Spanish and Italian terrestrial small mammal coenoses from different biotopes in Mediterranean peninsular tip regions.
Journal of Biogeography. 25(6), 1105 - 1113.