Research Publications
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Bird communities in traditional wood-pastures with changing management in Eastern Europe.
Basic and Applied Ecology.
(2014). Ecology and diversity of Cortinarius species (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) associated with Quercus ilex L. in the Mediterranean area of Liguria (North-western Italy).
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 1-10.
(2014). Optimization of Landscape Services under Uncoordinated Management by Multiple Landowners.
(2014). Tools for determining critical levels of atmospheric ammonia under the influence of multiple disturbances.
Environmental Pollution. 188, 88-93.
(2014). Effects of silviculture on native tree species richness: interactions between management, landscape context and regional climate.
Journal of Applied Ecology. 50, 775-785.
(2013). Agroforestry in Europe: a review of the disappearance of traditional systems and development of modern agroforestry practices, with emphasis on experiences in Germany.
Agroforestry Systems.
(2012). The likely impact of climate change on the biodiversity of Italian forests.
Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. 9(6), 245 - 250.
(2012). Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest.
Plant Biology. 14, 565-575.
(2012). Unveiling the fungal mycobiota present throughout the cork stopper manufacturing process.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82, 202-214.
(2012). Use of an airborne lidar system to model plant species composition and diversity of Mediterranean oak forests..
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. 26, 840-850.
(2012). Assessing the impact of understory vegetation cut on soil epigeic macrofauna from a cork-oak Montado in South Portugal.
Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 139 - 148.
(2011). Biodiversity of wood-decay fungi in Italy.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 145(4), 958 - 968.
(2011). Conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands: understorey dynamics under different shrub management.
Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 161 - 171.
(2011). European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) engineering effects promote plant heterogeneity in Mediterranean dehesa pastures.
Journal of Arid Environments. 75(9), 779 - 786.
(2011). Social amoebae: environmental factors influencing their distribution and diversity across south-western Europe..
Microbial ecology. 61, 154-165.
(2011). Carbon sequestration with reforestations and biodiversity-scenic values.
Environmental and Resource Economics. 45(I), 49 - 72.
(2010). Snail and millipede complementarity in decomposing Mediterranean forest leaf litter mixtures.
Functional Ecology. 24(4), 937 - 946.
(2010). Snail and millipede complementarity in decomposing Mediterranean forest leaf litter mixtures.
Functional Ecology. 24(4), 937 - 946.
(2010). Effects of some ecological variables on carabid communities in native and non native forests in the Ibaizabal basin (Basque Country: Spain).
Ann. For. Sci.. 66(3),
(2009). Effects of some ecological variables on carabid communities in native and non native forests in the Ibaizabal basin (Basque Country: Spain).
Ann. For. Sci.. 66,
(2009). Leaf-Litter Mixtures Affect Breakdown and Macroinvertebrate Colonization Rates in a Stream Ecosystem.
International Review of Hydrobiology. 94(4), 436 - 451.
(2009). Leaf-Litter Mixtures Affect Breakdown and Macroinvertebrate Colonization Rates in a Stream Ecosystem.
International Review of Hydrobiology. 94, 436-451.
(2009). Regeneration traits are structuring phylogenetic diversity in cork oak ( Quercus suber ) woodlands.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 20(6), 1009 - 1015.
(2009). Regeneration traits are structuring phylogenetic diversity in cork oak ( Quercus suber ) woodlands.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 20, 1009-1015.
(2009). Rinodina evae (Physciaceae, Ascomycota), a new corticolous blastidiate species from Eastern Spain.
Nova Hedwigia. 88, 33-40.
(2009). Rinodina evae (Physciaceae, Ascomycota), a new corticolous blastidiate species from Eastern Spain.
Nova Hedwigia. 88(1), 33 - 40.
(2009). Causes of change in nitrophytic and oligotrophic lichen species in a Mediterranean climate: impact of land cover and atmospheric pollutants..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 154, 380-389.
(2008). Causes of change in nitrophytic and oligotrophic lichen species in a Mediterranean climate: impact of land cover and atmospheric pollutants..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 154(3), 380 - 389.
(2008). Phytoclimatic versatility and potential diversity of natural arboreal forest cover in peninsular Spain.