Research Publications
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Acorn Selection by the Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus: A Semi-Controlled Experiment in a Mediterranean Environment..
Zoological science. 30, 724-730.
(2013). Chasing a moving target: projecting climate change-induced shifts in non-equilibrial tree species distributions.
Journal of Ecology. n/a - n/a.
Are pine plantations valid tools for restoring Mediterranean forests? An assessment along abiotic and biotic gradients.
(2009). Are pine plantations valid tools for restoring Mediterranean forests? An assessment along abiotic and biotic gradients.
ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS. 19(8), 2124 - 2141.
(2009). Multiple Recruitment Limitation Causes Arrested Succession in Mediterranean Cork Oak Systems.
Ecosystems. 10, 1220-1230.
(2007). Multiple Recruitment Limitation Causes Arrested Succession in Mediterranean Cork Oak Systems.
Ecosystems. 10(7), 1220 - 1230.
(2007). Differences between structural and functional environmental heterogeneity caused by seed dispersal.
Functional Ecology. 18, 787-792.
(2004). Geographical variation in the potential of mice to constrain an ant-seed dispersal mutualism.
Oikos. 105, 181-191.
(2004). Geographical variation in the potential of mice to constrain an ant-seed dispersal mutualism.
Oikos. 105(1), 181 - 191.
(2004). Can the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) replace native ants in myrmecochory?.
Acta Oecologica. 24, 47-53.
(2003). The dispersal of a dry-fruited shrub by red deer in a Mediterranean ecosystem.
Ecography. 21, 204-211.
(1998). The dispersal of a dry-fruited shrub by red deer in a Mediterranean ecosystem.
Ecography. 21(2), 204 - 211.
(1998). Herbivorous mammals as seed dispersers in a Mediterranean dehesa.
Oecologia. 104, 246-255.