Research Publications
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Growth response of mixed mediterranean oak coppices to rainfall reduction.
Forest Ecology and Management. 258(7), 1677 - 1683.
(2009). In Situ Investigation of Leaf Water Status by Portable Unilateral Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 149(4), 1638 - 1647.
(2009). Influence of Climate on Radial Growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus Ilex Subsp. Ballota Desf) from SW Spain.
Geochronometria. 34,
(2009). Leaf traits variation during leaf expansion in Quercus ilex L..
Photosynthetica. 47(3), 323 - 330.
(2009). Los sistemas de dehesa en la península ibérica: reflexiones acerca de su génesis, historia, dinámica y gestión.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 14.
(2009). A map of autumn precipitation for the third millennium BP in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula from charcoal carbon isotopes.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 102(3), 157 - 165.
(2009). Modelling interception loss from evergreen oak Mediterranean savannas: Application of a tree-based modelling approach.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149(3-4), 680 - 688.
(2009). Pre-dispersal acorn predation in mixed oak forests: interspecific differences are driven by the interplay among seed phenology, seed size and predator size.
Journal of Ecology. 97(6), 1416 - 1423.
(2009). Quercus ilex root growth in response to heterogeneous conditions of soil bulk density and soil NH4-N content.
Soil and Tillage Research. 103(1), 16 - 22.
(2009). Response of broadleaved evergreen Mediterranean forest vegetation to fire disturbance during the Holocene: insights from the peri-Adriatic region.
Journal of Biogeography. 36(2), 314 - 326.
(2009). Acorn production in Spanish holm oak woodlands.
Forest Systems. 15, 339 - 354.
(2008). Changes of the potential distribution area of French Mediterranean forests under global warming.
Biogeosciences. 5(6), 1493 - 1504.
(2008). Dimensiones y características nutritivas de las bellotas de los Quercus de la dehesa.
Arch. Zootec. 57, 1 - 12.
(2008). Drought, warming and soil fertilization effects on leaf volatile terpene concentrations in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex.
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 31(1), 207 - 218.
(2008). Fire-vegetation interactions during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition at Lago dell'Accesa, Tuscany, Italy.
HOLOCENE. 18(5), 679 - 692.
(2008). Impacts on water, soil and plants from the abandoned Miguel Vacas copper mine, Portugal.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 96(2-3), 161 - 170.
(2008). Implications of foliar terpene content and hydration on leaf flammability of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis.
Plant Biology. 10(1), 123 - 128.
(2008). Influence of water and terpenes on flammability in some dominant Mediterranean species.
(2008). Light distribution in scattered-trees open woodlands in Western Spain.
Agroforestry Systems. 73(3), 233 - 244.
(2008). Masting mediated by summer drought reduces acorn predation in mediterranean oak forests.
ECOLOGY. 89(3), 805 - 817.
(2008). Pathogenicity of Pythium spiculum and P-sterilum on feeder roots of Quercus rotundifolia.
(2008). The role of temporal shrub encroachment for the maintenance of Spanish holm oak Quercus ilex dehesas.
Forest Ecology and Management. 255(5-6), 1976 - 1983.
(2008). Seasonal and annual variation of carbon exchange in an evergreen Mediterranean forest in southern France.
Global Change Biology. 14(4), 714 - 725.
(2008). Soil water content at the catchment level and plant water status relationships in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest.
Journal of Hydrology. 357(1-2), 67 - 75.
(2008). Trace element accumulation in woody plants of the Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain: a large-scale phytomanagement case study..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 152(1), 50 - 59.
(2008). Effect of single Quercus ilex trees upon spatial and seasonal changes in soil water content in dehesas of central western Spain.
Ann. For. Sci.. 64(3), 355 - 364.
(2007). Effects of Stratification and Growth Regulators on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Quercus ilex L.
Journal of Plant Sciences. 2(3), 341 - 346.
(2007). Irradiance and oak seedling survival and growth in a heterogeneous environment.
Forest Ecology and Management. 242(2-3), 462 - 469.
(2007). Kinetics and Mechanism of Ni(II) Chelation in Model and Real Solutions of Xylem Sap of Quercus ilex.
Electroanalysis. 19(22), 2351 - 2361.
(2007). Narrow genetic base in forest restoration with holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sicily.
Annals of forest …. 64, 757 - 763.