Research Publications
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Determining the long-term changes in biodiversity and provisioning services along a transect from Central Europe to the Mediterranean..
Holocene. 23(11), 1625 - 1634.
(2013). Isoscapes of tree-ring carbon-13 perform like meteorological networks in predicting regional precipitation patterns.
(2013). Recurrent fires and environment shape the vegetation in Quercus suber L. woodlands and maquis..
Comptes rendus biologies. 335(6), 424 - 434.
(2012). Holocene circum-Mediterranean vegetation changes: Climate forcing and human impact.
Quaternary International. 200(1-2), 4 - 18.
(2009). Variation in cold hardiness and carbohydrate concentration from dormancy induction to bud burst among provenances of three European oak species.
Tree Physiology. 27(6), 817 - 825.
The use of climatic parameters and indices in vegetation distribution. A case study in the Spanish Sistema Central..
International journal of biometeorology. 50(2), 111 - 120.
(2005). Climatic factors and establishment of Quercus ilex-communities in Trieste Province (NE Italy).
Annali di Botanica. 4, 129 - 138.
(2004). Influencia del clima en el crecimiento longitudinal y radial de Q. ilex ssp. ballota L. y Q. faginea Lam. EN EL SISTEMA IBERICO ARAGONES.
III Congreso Forestal Español. 1995,
(2001). Holocene climatic change in Morocco: a quantitative reconstruction from pollen data.
Climate Dynamics. 14(12), 883 - 890.
(1998). Climatic discrimination of Mediterranean broad-leaved sclerophyllous and deciduous forests in central Spain.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 8(3), 377 - 386.
(1997). Geographical variation in the density of the white stork Ciconia ciconia in Spain: Influence of habitat structure and climate.
Biological Conservation. 65, 83 - 87.