Research Publications
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Proteomic analysis from haploid and diploid embryos of Quercus suber L. identifies qualitative and quantitative differential expression patterns..
Proteomics. 9, 4355-4367.
(2009). Relevance of genetics for conservation policies: the case of Minorcan cork oaks.
Annals of Botany. 104(6), 1069 - 1076.
(2009). Relevance of genetics for conservation policies: the case of Minorcan cork oaks.
Annals of Botany. 104, 1069-1076.
(2009). Adsorption of Zn(II) in aqueous solution by activated carbons prepared from evergreen oak (Quercus rotundifolia L.)..
Journal of hazardous materials. 153, 28-36.
(2008). A coastal reservoir of biodiversity for Upper Pleistocene human populations: palaeoecological investigations in Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar) in the context of the Iberian Peninsula.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 27, 2118-2135.
(2008). Effectiveness of rodents as local seed dispersers of Holm oaks..
Oecologia. 155, 529-37.
(2008). Effects of moderate shade and irrigation with eutrophicated water on the nitrogen economy of Mediterranean oak seedlings.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 203(3), 243 - 253.
(2008). Effects of moderate shade and irrigation with eutrophicated water on the nitrogen economy of Mediterranean oak seedlings.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 203, 243-253.
(2008). In vitro and in vivo quantification of elicitin expression in Phytophthora cinnamomi.
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 73, 48-57.
(2008). Leaf accumulation of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Quercus ilex L..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 153, 376-383.
(2008). Leaf accumulation of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Quercus ilex L..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 153(2), 376 - 383.
(2008). Oak seedling survival and growth along resource gradients in Mediterranean forests: implications for regeneration in current and future environmental scenarios.
Oikos. 117, 1683-1699.
(2008). Regional phenological models for forecasting the start and peak of the Quercus pollen season in Spain.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148(3), 372 - 380.
(2008). Regional phenological models for forecasting the start and peak of the Quercus pollen season in Spain.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148, 372-380.
(2008). Relationship between net photosynthesis and leaf respiration in Mediterranean evergreen species.
Photosynthetica. 46, 567-573.
(2008). Trace element accumulation in woody plants of the Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain: a large-scale phytomanagement case study..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 152(1), 50 - 59.
(2008). Trace element accumulation in woody plants of the Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain: a large-scale phytomanagement case study..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 152, 50-59.
(2008). The Cd(II)-binding abilities of recombinant Quercus suber metallothionein: bridging the gap between phytochelatins and metallothioneins..
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 12, 867-882.
(2007). The Cd(II)-binding abilities of recombinant Quercus suber metallothionein: bridging the gap between phytochelatins and metallothioneins..
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 12(6), 867 - 882.
(2007). Flowering phenology of Mediterranean Quercus species in different locations (Córdoba, SW Iberian Peninsula).
Acta botánica malacitana. 32, 127-146.
(2007). Geophysical imaging of root-zone, trunk, and moisture heterogeneity.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 58(4), 839 - 854.
(2007). Geophysical imaging of root-zone, trunk, and moisture heterogeneity.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 58, 839-854.
(2007). Iberian Pig as a Model To Clarify Obscure Points in the Bioavailability and Metabolism of Ellagitannins in Humans.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55, 10476-10485.
(2007). Iberian Pig as a Model To Clarify Obscure Points in the Bioavailability and Metabolism of Ellagitannins in Humans.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55(25), 10476 - 10485.
(2007). Pattern recognition of acorns from different Quercus species based on oil content and fatty acid profile.
Grasas y Aceites. 54, 384-391.
(2007). Pattern recognition of acorns from different Quercus species based on oil content and fatty acid profile.
Grasas y Aceites. 54(4), 384 - 391.
(2007). Predictive modelling of tree species distributions on the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene.
Ecography. 30(1), 120 - 134.
(2007). Predictive modelling of tree species distributions on the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene.
Ecography. 30, 120-134.
(2007). Producción de bellota en la dehesa: factores influyentes.
Arch. Zootec. 56, 25-43.
(2007). Producción de bellota en la dehesa: factores influyentes.
Arch. Zootec. 56, 25 - 43.