Research Publications
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Spatial relationships between the standing vegetation and the soil seed bank in a fire-prone encroached dehesa in Central Spain.
PLANT ECOLOGY. 214(2), 195 - 206.
Short-term effects on sheep pastureland due to grazing abandonment in a Western Mediterranean island ecosystem: A multidisciplinary approach.
Journal for Nature Conservation. 18(4), 258 - 267.
(2010). Land-use changes may explain the recent range expansion of the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in southern Europe.
Ibis. 150(4), 707 - 716.
(2008). The response of soil erosion and sediment export to land-use change in four areas of Europe: The importance of landscape pattern.
Geomorphology. 98(3-4), 213 - 226.