Research Publications
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Changes in limiting resources determine spatio-temporal variability in tree–grass interactions.
Agroforestry Systems. 76(2), 375 - 387.
(2009). Changes in the protein profile of Quercus ilex leaves in response to drought stress and recovery..
Journal of plant physiology. 166(3), 233 - 245.
(2009). Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to classify fire hazard in Portugal.
Annals of Forest Science. 66(4),
(2009). Concentrations and fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds above a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem in western Italy.
BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6(8), 1655 - 1670.
(2009). Consistent pattern of habitat and species selection by post-dispersal seed predators in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape.
Plant Ecology. 203(1), 137 - 147.
(2009). Contingent Valuation of Woodland-Owner Private Amenities in Spain, Portugal, and California..
Rangeland Ecology & Management. 62(3), 240 - 252.
(2009). Cork and metals: a review.
Wood Science and Technology. 45(1), 183 - 202.
(2009). Crioconservación de genotipos adultos de castaño y alcornoque seleccionados en campo.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 10.
(2009). Dendrochronology of Quercus ilex L. and its potential use for climate reconstruction in the Mediterranean region.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(12), 2486 - 2493.
(2009). Detection of hybrids in nature: application to oaks (Quercus suber and Q. ilex)..
Heredity. 102(5), 442 - 452.
(2009). Differential and interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on budburst and carbon reserves in two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks.
Plant Biology. 11(2), 142 - 151.
(2009). Diversity and fruiting patterns of ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungi as indicators of land-use severity in managed woodlands dominated by Quercus suber — a case study from southern Portugal.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(12), 2404 - 2417.
(2009). Does Argentine ant invasion affect prey availability for foliage-gleaning birds?.
Biological Invasions. 12(4), 827 - 839.
(2009). Drought reduced monoterpene emissions from the evergreen Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex: results from a throughfall displacement experiment.
Biogeosciences. 6(7), 1167 - 1180.
(2009). Dynamics in the trophic structure of the macroinvertebrate community in a Mediterranean, temporary stream.
AQUATIC SCIENCES. 71(2), 202 - 213.
(2009). Efecto de la compactación del suelo y de la disponibilidad de agua sobre la regeneración sexual de la encina en diferentes ambientes lumínicos.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 13.
(2009). Efectos combinados de la fertilización con nitrógeno y fósforo en vivero sobre la respuesta post-trasplante de Quercus ilex L..
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 9.
(2009). Effect of drying temperatures on chemical and morphological properties of acorn flours.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 44(9), 1729 - 1736.
(2009). Effect of surface treatment in cork reinforced composites.
Journal of Polymer Research. 17(4), 519 - 528.
(2009). Effects of some ecological variables on carabid communities in native and non native forests in the Ibaizabal basin (Basque Country: Spain).
Ann. For. Sci.. 66(3),
(2009). El declive del alcornocal en la Vera del Parque Nacional de Doñana: el papel de las colonias de aves nidificantes.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 9.
(2009). El rozamiento en el proceso de encorchado como medida del tratamiento de superficie de los tapones de corcho..
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 11.
(2009). Environment and landscape management during the Middle Neolithic in Southern France: Evidence for agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in the Middle Rhone Valley.
Quaternary International. 200(1-2), 50 - 65.
(2009). Establishment limitation of holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) in a Mediterranean savanna — forest ecosystem.
Annals of Forest Science. 66(5),
(2009). Estimación del precio de indiferencia del carbono con la regeneración natural facilitada y la forestación de la encina y el alcornoque en montes mediterráneos.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 14.
(2009). Estudio del turno óptimo de descorche en alcornocales andaluces.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 13.
(2009). Estudio y caracterización de las masas de alcornoque de la provincia de León.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 13.
(2009). Evaluación de diferentes alternativas de forestación y agricultura como sumideros de carbono en Castilla y León.
V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 10.