Research Publications
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An application case of ecological indicator values (Zeigerwerte) calculated with a simple algorithmic approach.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 141(1), 15 - 21.
(2007). Application of BIOME-BGC to simulate Mediterranean forest processes.
Ecological Modelling. 206(1-2), 179 - 190.
(2007). Assessing the risk caused by ground level ozone to European forest trees: a case study in pine, beech and oak across different climate regions..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 147(3), 454 - 466.
(2007). Caracterización productiva del vacuno ecológico en Andalucía.
Arch. Zootec. 56, 517 - 521.
(2007). Catálogo florístico del Macizo de Líbar (Parques naturales Sierra de Grazalema y Los Alcornocales, Málaga-Cádiz, España).
Acta Botanica Malacitana. 32, 161 - 200.
(2007). The Cd(II)-binding abilities of recombinant Quercus suber metallothionein: bridging the gap between phytochelatins and metallothioneins..
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 12(6), 867 - 882.
(2007). Comparative Typology in Six European Lowâ€Intensity Systems of Grassland Management.
Advances in Agronomy. 351 - 420.
(2007). Comparing the role of site disturbance and landscape properties on understory species richness in fragmented periurban Mediterranean forests.
Landscape Ecology. 22(1), 117 - 129.
(2007). Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) acorn as a substitute for barley in the diet of rabbits; Effect on In vivo digestibility, growth and carcass characteristics. J. anim.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 6(10), 1219 - 1222.
(2007). Decomposition dynamics of Myrtus communis and Quercus ilex leaf litter: Mass loss, microbial activity and quality change.
Applied Soil Ecology. 36(1), 32 - 40.
(2007). Descriptive analysis of the ‘relictual’ Mediterranean landscape in the Guadalquivir River valley (southern Spain): a baseline for scientific research and the development of conservation action plans.
Biodiversity and Conservation. 17(9), 2219 - 2232.
(2007). Development and application of bio-economic modelling to compare silvoarable, arable, and forestry systems in three European countries.
Ecological Engineering. 29(4), 434 - 449.
(2007). Differences in land cover interpretation in landscapes rich in cover gradients: reflections based on the montado of South Portugal.
Agroforestry Systems. 70(2), 169 - 183.
(2007). Diplofuranones A and B , two further new 4-monosubstituted 2 ( 3H ) -dihydrofuranones produced by Diplodia corticola , a fungus pathogen of cork oak.
ARKIVOC. 2007(vii), 318 - 328.
(2007). Diversidade funcional em sistemas de montado : fluxo de nutrientes em Quercus rotundifolia Lam . Functional diversity in “ montado ” systems : nutrients fluxes in Quercus.
Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 30(1), 235 - 250.
(2007). Driving competitive and facilitative interactions in oak dehesas through management practices.
Agroforestry Systems. 70(1), 25 - 40.
(2007). Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”.
Tree Physiology. 27(7), 929 - 940.
(2007). Ecological patterns of Tuber melanosporum and different Quercus Mediterranean forests: Quantitative production of truffles, burn sizes and soil studies.
Forest Ecology and Management. 242(2-3), 288 - 296.
(2007). Economic and management characterization of dehesa farms: implications for their sustainability.
Agroforestry Systems. 71(3), 151 - 162.
(2007). Effect of land-use on soil water dynamic in dehesas of Central–Western Spain.
Catena. 71(2), 298 - 308.
(2007). Effect of mediterranean forest parasite with Curculio sp. on nutritional value of acorn for Iberian pig feeding and fat characteristics..
Meat science. 76(2), 316 - 320.
(2007). Effect of single Quercus ilex trees upon spatial and seasonal changes in soil water content in dehesas of central western Spain.
Ann. For. Sci.. 64(3), 355 - 364.
(2007). Effects of herbage ingestion on the digestion site and nitrogen balance in heavy Iberian pigs fed on an acorn-based diet.
LIVESTOCK SCIENCE. 112(1-2), 63 - 77.
(2007). Effects of Stratification and Growth Regulators on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Quercus ilex L.
Journal of Plant Sciences. 2(3), 341 - 346.
(2007). Environmental heterogeneity, bird-mediated directed dispersal, and oak woodland dynamics in Mediterranean Spain.
(2007). Estimation of white grub damage (Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea) in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) regeneration parcels of the Mamora forest (Morocco) and search for biological control using sex pheromones..
(2007). Ethnobotany of Montseny biosphere reserve (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula): plants used in veterinary medicine..
Journal of ethnopharmacology. 110(1), 130 - 147.
(2007). Evaluation of the energy value of plant species consumed by the Barbary Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus, Bennet 1833) in the area of El Ayoune (El Kala National Park, Algeria).
(2007). Evergreen Mediterranean hardwoods as particleboard raw material.
Building and Environment. 42(3), 1183 - 1187.
(2007). Evidence of selective burning in Sardinia (Italy): which land-cover classes do wildfires prefer?.
Landscape Ecology. 23(2), 241 - 248.