Research Publications

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Gameiro, C. Pires, Cirne J., & Gary G. (2007).  Experimental study of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of cork under compressive loading. Journal of Materials Science. 42(12), 4316 - 4324.
Ascensão, F., & Mira A. (2007).  Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in southern Portugal. Ecological Research. 22(1), 57 - 66.
Cano, L., Escarre J., & Sans F. X. (2007).  Factors affecting the invasion success of Senecio inaequidens and S. pterophorus in Mediterranean plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18(2), 281 - 288.
Espírito-Santo, C., ROSALINO LUIS. M., & Santos-Reis M. (2007).  Factors affecting the placement of common genet latrine sites in a Mediterranean landscape in Portugal. Journal of mammalogy. 88(1), 201 - 207.
Cardoso, A. Cristina, Poeiras A. Sofia, & Carrapato C. (2007).  Factors responsible for the presence and distribution of black bellied sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in the Nature Park ``Vale do Guadiana''. ARDEOLA. 54(2), 205 - 215.
Fernández, M., Ordóñez J. Antonio, Cambero I., Santos C., Pin C., & De La Hoz L. (2007).  Fatty acid compositions of selected varieties of Spanish dry ham related to their nutritional implications. Food Chemistry. 101(1), 107 - 112.
Celestino, C., Hernández I., Lopez-Vela D., Carneros E., Alegre J., Toribio M., et al. (2007).  First data from a field trial of Quercus suber plants regenerated from mature selected trees and from their half-sib progenies by somatic embryogenesis. (Santamaria, JM. and Desjar, Ed.).Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants. 215 - 218.
Abril, S., Oliveras J., & Gómez C. (2007).  Foraging Activity and Dietary Spectrum of the Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Invaded Natural Areas of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Entomology,. 36(5), 1166 - 1173.
Cullotta, S., & Marchetti M. (2007).  Forest types for biodiversity assessment at regional level: the case study of Sicily (Italy). European Journal of Forest Research. 126(3), 431 - 447.
Ovando, P., Campos P., & Montero G. (2007).  Forestaciones con encina y alcornoque en el área de la dehesa en el marco del. Revista Española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros. 214, 173 - 186.
Daza, A., & Camacho M. (2007).  fructificación del hongo ECM comestible Amanita ponderosa Malençon & R. Heim durante seis años consecutivos en un encinar adehesado de la Sierra. Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 16(1), 89 - 94.
CHUST, GUILLEM., GARBIN LUCAS., & PUJADE-VILLAR JULI. (2007).  Gall wasps and their parasitoids in cork oak fragmented forests. Ecological Entomology. 32(1), 82 - 91.
Sánchez-González, M., Cañellas I., & Montero G. (2007).  Generalized height-diameter and crown diameter prediction models for cork oak forests in Spain. Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 16(1), 76 - 88.
Seixas, J., & Nunes J. P. (2007).  GeneticLand: modelling land-use change using evolutionary algorithms. Modelling Land-Use change. 181 - 196.
Hagrey, S. Attia Al (2007).  Geophysical imaging of root-zone, trunk, and moisture heterogeneity. Journal of Experimental Botany. 58(4), 839 - 854.
Fernández, S., Fuentes N., Carrión J. S., González-Sampériz P., Montoya E., Gil G., et al. (2007).  The Holocene and Upper Pleistocene pollen sequence of Carihuela Cave, southern Spain. Geobios. 40(1), 75 - 90.
Carrión, J. S. S., Fuentes N., González-Sampériz P., L. Quirante S., Finlayson J. C. C., Fernández S., et al. (2007).  Holocene environmental change in a montane region of southern Europe with a long history of human settlement. Quaternary Science Reviews. 26(11-12), 1455 - 1475.
Avilés, J. M., & Bednekoff P. a (2007).  How do vigilance and feeding by common cranes Grus grus depend on age, habitat, and flock size?. Journal of Avian Biology. 38(6), 690 - 697.
Espín, J. Carlos, González-Barrio R., Cerdá B., López-Bote C., Rey A. I., & Tomás-Barberán F. a (2007).  Iberian Pig as a Model To Clarify Obscure Points in the Bioavailability and Metabolism of Ellagitannins in Humans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55(25), 10476 - 10485.
Dufour-Dror, J-M. (2007).  Influence of cattle grazing on the density of oak seedlings and saplings in a Tabor oak forest in Israel. Acta Oecologica. 31(2), 223 - 228.
García-Mozo, H., Gómez-Casero M. T. T., Dominguez E., & Galan C. (2007).  Influence of pollen emission and weather-related factors on variations in holm-oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) acorn production. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 61(1), 35 - 40.
Rogosic, J., Estell R. E., Skobic D., & Stanic S. (2007).  Influence of secondary compound complementarity and species diversity on consumption of Mediterranean shrubs by sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 107(1-2), 58 - 65.
Costa, A., & Pereira H. (2007).  Influence of vision systems, black and white, colored and visual digitalization, in natural cork stopper quality estimation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 87(12), 2222 - 2228.
Puerta-Piñero, C., Gómez J. M., & Valladares F. (2007).  Irradiance and oak seedling survival and growth in a heterogeneous environment. Forest Ecology and Management. 242(2-3), 462 - 469.
Santos, M. Maria Corr, Alves S., Gonçalves M. de Lurdes, Santos M. Maria Corr, Alves S., & Gonçalves M. de Lurdes (2007).  Kinetics and Mechanism of Ni(II) Chelation in Model and Real Solutions of Xylem Sap of Quercus ilex. Electroanalysis. 19(22), 2351 - 2361.
Gaspar, P., & Escribano M. (2007).  La eficiencia en explotaciones ganaderas de dehesa: una aproximación DEA al papel de la sostenibilidad y de las subvenciones comunitarias.. Revista Española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros. 07, 185 - 209.
de Ron, D. S., Elena-Roselló R., & Gómez S. R. (2007).  LOS PAISAJES DE DEHESA EN ESPAÑA Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL AMBIENTE GEOCLIMÁTICO. Actas de la III Reunión sobre Sistemas Agroforestale Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cienc. For.. 176, 171 - 176.
Ferretti, M., Fagnano M., Amoriello T., Badiani M., Ballarin-Denti A., Buffoni A., et al. (2007).  Measuring, modelling and testing ozone exposure, flux and effects on vegetation in southern European conditions--what does not work? A review from Italy.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 146(3), 648 - 658.
Campos, P., Bonnieux F., Caparros A., & Paoli J-C. (2007).  Measuring total sustainable incomes from multifunctional management of Corsican Maritime Pine and Andalusian Cork oak Mediterranean forests. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 50(1), 65 - 85.
Penuelas, J., Ogaya R., Boada M., & Jump A. S. (2007).  Migration, invasion and decline: changes in recruitment and forest structure in a warming-linked shift of European beech forest in Catalonia (NE Spain). ECOGRAPHY. 30(6), 829 - 837.
