Research Publications

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Arnedo, M. A., & Ferrandez M-A. (2007).  Mitochondrial markers reveal deep population subdivision in the European protected spider Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer, 1805) (Araneae, Hexathelidae). CONSERVATION GENETICS. 8(5), 1147 - 1162.
Campos, P., Caparros A., & Cerdá E. (2007).  Modeling Multifunctional Agroforestry Systems with Environmental Values: Dehesa in Spain and Woodland Ranches in California. (Weintraub, A., Romero C., Bjørndal T., Epstein R., & Miranda J., Ed.).Handbook Of Operations Research In Natural Resources. 33 - 52.
Conte, L., Cotti C., & Cristofolini G. (2007).  Molecular evidence for hybrid origin of Quercus crenata Lam. (Fagaceae) from Q. cerris L. and Q. suber L.. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 141(2), 181 - 193.
Gandour, M., Khouja M. L., Toumi L., & Triki S. (2007).  Morphological evaluation of cork oak (Quercus suber): Mediterranean provenance variability in Tunisia. Annals of forest science. 64, 549 - 555.
de Heredia, U. L., JIMÉNEZ P., & Collada C. (2007).  Multi-marker phylogeny of three evergreen oaks reveals vicariant patterns in the Western Mediterranean. Taxon. 56(November), 1209 - 1220.
Acácio, V., Holmgren M., Jansen P. a, & Schrotter O. (2007).  Multiple Recruitment Limitation Causes Arrested Succession in Mediterranean Cork Oak Systems. Ecosystems. 10(7), 1220 - 1230.
Burgarella, C., NAVASCUÉS M., & Soto Á. (2007).  Narrow genetic base in forest restoration with holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sicily. Annals of forest …. 64, 757 - 763.
Arenal, F., Platas G., & Pelaez F. (2007).  A new endophytic species of Preussia (Sporormiaceae) inferred from morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analysis. FUNGAL DIVERSITY. 25, 1 - 17.
Robles, H., Ciudad C., Vera R., & Baglione V. (2007).  No effect of habitat fragmentation on post-fledging, first-year and adult survival in the middle spotted woodpecker. Ecography. 30(5), 685 - 694.
Pons, J., & Pausas J. G. (2007).  Not only size matters: Acorn selection by the European jay (Garrulus glandarius). Acta Oecologica. 31(3), 353 - 360.
Crochet, J-Y., Gence J., Boulbes N., Boutié P., Cretin C., Crégut-Bonnoure É., et al. (2007).  Nouvelles données paléoenvironnementales dans le Sud de la France vers 30000 ans 14C BP : le cas de la grotte Marie (Hérault). Comptes Rendus Palevol. 6(4), 241 - 251.
Karioti, A., Bilia A. R., & Skaltsa H. (2007).  A novel dimeric proanthocyanidin 3-O-glucoside from Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae). PLANTA MEDICA. 73(9), 
Ferreira-Dias, S., Valente D. G., & Abreu J. M. F. F. (2007).  Pattern recognition of acorns from different Quercus species based on oil content and fatty acid profile. Grasas y Aceites. 54(4), 384 - 391.
Niinemets, U. (2007).  Photosynthesis and resource distribution through plant canopies. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT. 30(9), 1052 - 1071.
Vitale, M., Salvatori E., Loreto F., Fares S., & Manes F. (2007).  Physiological responses of Quercus ilex Leaves to Water Stress and Acute Ozone Exposure Under Controlled Conditions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 189(1-4), 113 - 125.
Arnan, X., Rodrigo A., & Retana J. (2007).  Post-fire regeneration of Mediterranean plant communities at a regional scale is dependent on vegetation type and dryness. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18(1), 
Rosario, I. T. do, & Mathias M. Da Luz (2007).  Post-fire recolonisation of a montado area by the endangered Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE. 16(4), 450 - 457.
Garzón, M. Benito, de Dios R. Sánchez, & Ollero H. Sainz (2007).  Predictive modelling of tree species distributions on the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene. Ecography. 30(1), 120 - 134.
Garcia-Montero, L. G., Pascual C., García-Abril A., & García-Cañete J. (2007).  Problems of using rockroses in Tuber melanosporum culture: soil and truffle harvest associated with Cistus laurifolius. Agroforestry Systems. 70(3), 251 - 258.
Ferreira, A. G., & Ribeiro N. A. (2007).  Produção silvícola no montado.: Análise e reflexão sobre a gestão sustentada dos montados de sobreiro. Revista de Ciências Agrarias. 181 - 189.
Rodríguez-Estévez, V., García A., Perea J., Mata C., & Gómez A. G. (2007).  Producción de bellota en la dehesa: factores influyentes. Arch. Zootec. 56, 25 - 43.
Maltez-Mouro, S., García L. V., Marañón T., & Freitas H. (2007).  Recruitment patterns in a Mediterranean oak forest: A case study showing the importance of the spatial component. FOREST SCIENCE. 53(6), 645 - 652.
Rodriguez-Cruz, S., Andrades M. S., Sanchez-Camazano M., & Sanchez-Martin M. J. (2007).  Relationship between The Adsorption Capacity of Pesticides by Wood Residues and The Properties of Woods and Pesticides. Environmental Science & Technology. 41(10), 3613 - 3619.
Campelo, F., GUTIÉRREZ E., Ribas M., Nabais C., & Freitas H. (2007).  Relationships between climate and double rings in Quercus ilex from northeast Spain. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37(10), 1915 - 1923.
Archaux, F. Frederic, & Bakkaus N. Noemie (2007).  Relative impact of stand structure, tree composition and climate on mountain bird communities. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 247(1-3), 72 - 79.
Belloch, C., Villa-Carvajal M., Alvarez-Rodriguez M. L., & Coque J. J. R. (2007).  Rhodotorula subericola sp nov., an anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast species isolated from bark of Quercus suber (cork oak). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. 57(7), 1668 - 1671.
Dominguez, M., Barba E., Canto J. L., Lopez G. M., & Monros J. S. (2007).  Seasonal interchange of the European Robin Erithacus rubecula populations in an evergreen holm oak forest. ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA. 42(1), 15 - 21.
Asensio, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 41(11), 2447 - 2455.
ASENSIO, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil VOC exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. Atmospheric Environment. 41(11), 2456 - 2466.
Quero, J. Luis, Villar R., Marañón T., Zamora R., & Poorter L. (2007).  SEED - MASS EFFECTS IN FOUR MEDITERRANEAN QUERCUS SPECIES (FAGACEAE ) GROWING IN CONTRASTING LIGHT ENVIRONMENTS. American Journal of Botany 94(11):. 94(11), 1795 - 1803.
