Research Publications

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Fioretto, A., Di Nardo C., Papa S., & Fuggi A. (2005).  Lignin and cellulose degradation and nitrogen dynamics during decomposition of three leaf litter species in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37(6), 1083 - 1091.
Penuelas, J., Llusia J., ASENSIO D., & MUNNÉ-BOSCH S. (2005).  Linking isoprene with plant thermotolerance, antioxidants and monoterpene emissions. Plant, Cell & Environment. 28(3), 278 - 286.
Oliveras, J., Bas J. M., & Gómez C. (2005).  Long-term consequences of the alteration of the seed dispersal process of Euphorbia characias due to the Argentine ant invasion. ECOGRAPHY. 28(5), 662 - 672.
Hill, J., Hostert P., & Röder A. (2005).  Long-Term Observation of Mediterranean Ecosystems with Satellite Remote Sensing. Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. 33 - 43.
Alfani, a., Nicola F., Maisto G., & Prati M. (2005).  Long-term PAH accumulation after bud break in L. leaves in a polluted environment. Atmospheric Environment. 39(2), 307 - 314.
Palazón, C., Barriuso J., & Delgado I. (2005).  Lucha química contra el contaminante Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, RESPONSABLE DE “LA MICORRIZA MARRÓN” DE LOS INVERNADEROS DE PRODUCCIÓN DE PLANTA MICORRIZADA CON TRUFA NEGRA (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.). IV Congreso Forestal Español.
R. Naranjo, A. (2005).  Medio ambiente, grupos sociales y conocimiento local en la dehesa. Un caso de estudio en la Sierra Morena extremeña. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y pesqueros. 206, 86 - 93.
Santos, M. Natércia, Bragança M. Helena, & Casimiro P. Piloto (2005).  Microrganismos Associados à Cortiça em Diferentes Fases da sua Fileira. Silva Lusitana. 13, 75 - 93.
Manes, F., Vitale M., & Di Traglia M. (2005).  Monitoring tropospheric ozone impact on plants in natural and urban areas with a Mediterranean climate. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 139(3), 265 - 278.
Conedera, M., Stanga P., Oester B., & Bachmann P. (2005).  The Natural Dynamics of Abandoned Chestnut Stands in Southern Switzerland. (Mazzoleni, S., di Pasquale G., Mulligan M., di Martino P., & Rego F., Ed.).Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. 237 - 247.
Franco, A. M. a, Marques J. T., & Sutherland W. J. (2005).  Is nest-site availability limiting Lesser Kestrel populations? A multiple scale approach. Ibis. 147(4), 657 - 666.
De Sousa, E. M. R., & Inacio M. L. (2005).  New aspects of Platypus cylindrus Fab. (Coleoptera : Platypodidae) life history on cork oak stands in Portugal. (F. Lieutier, and. Ghaioule, Ed.).Entomological Research in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems. 147 - 168.
Gerosa, G., Vitale M., Finco A., Manes F., Denti A., & Cieslik S. (2005).  Ozone uptake by an evergreen Mediterranean Forest () in Italy. Part I: Micrometeorological flux measurements and flux partitioning. Atmospheric Environment. 39(18), 3255 - 3266.
Beaudouin, C., Suc J-P., Acherki N., Courtois L., Rabineau M., Aloïsi J-C., et al. (2005).  Palynology of the northwestern Mediterranean shelf (Gulf of Lions): First vegetational record for the last climatic cycle. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 22(6-7), 845 - 863.
Sanchez, M. E., Andicoberry S., & Trapero A. (2005).  Pathogenicity of three Phytophthora spp. causing late seedling rot of Quercus ilex ssp. ballota. Forest Pathology. 35(2), 115 - 125.
Mazzoleni, V., Dallagiovanna L., Trevisan M., & Nicelli M. (2005).  Persistent organic pollutants in cork used for production of wine stoppers.. Chemosphere. 58(11), 1547 - 1552.
Arena, C., Vitale L., & A. De Santo V. (2005).  Photosynthetic response of Quercus ilex L. plants grown on compost and exposed to increasing photon flux densities and elevated CO 2. Photosynthetica. 43(4), 615 - 619.
Denman, S., Kirk S. A., Brasier C. M., Barton V. C., Hughes K. J. D., & Webber J. F. (2005).  Phytophthora ramorum on Quercus ilex in the United Kingdom.. PLANT DISEASE. 89(11), 
Crespí, A., Bernardos S., Castro A., Fernandes C. P., & Amich F. (2005).  Phytostructural characterization of several vegetation types in northern Portugal. II. The structural expressivity and the resistance of the vegetation. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 139(3), 387 - 398.
De Roman, M., & de Miguel A. María (2005).  Post-fire, seasonal and annual dynamics of the ectomycorrhizal community in a Quercus ilex L. forest over a 3-year period.. Mycorrhiza. 15(6), 471 - 482.
Broncano, M. José, Retana J., & Rodrigo A. (2005).  Predicting the Recovery of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex Forests after a Large Wildfire in Northeastern Spain. Plant Ecology. 180(1), 47 - 56.
Costa, A., & Pereira H. (2005).  Quality characterization of wine cork stoppers using computer vision. JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN. 39(4), 209 - 218.
Coquet, C., Bauza E., Oberto G., Berghi A., Farnet A. M., Ferré E., et al. (2005).  Quercus suber cork extract displays a tensor and smoothing effect on human skin: an in vivo study.. Drugs under experimental and clinical research. 31(3), 89 - 99.
Pérez-Díaz, A. (2005).  REFLEXIONES EN TORNO A LA SOSTENlBlLlDAD DE LA DEHESA. Geographicalia. 48, 101 - 120.
Quero, J. L., VILLAR R., MARAÑON T., Murillo A., & Zamora R. (2005).  Respuesta plástica a la luz y al agua en cuatro especies del género Quercus. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
De Roman, M., Clavería V., & De Miguel A. Maria (2005).  A revision of the descriptions of ectomycorrhizas published since 1961. Mycological Research. 109(10), 1063 - 1104.
Aafi, A., & KADMIRI A. A. E. L. (2005).  Richesse et diversité floristique de la suberaie de la Mamora (Maroc). Acta Botanica Malacitana. 30, 127 - 138.
Tsakaldimi, M., Zagas T., Tsitsoni T., & Ganatsas P. (2005).  Root Morphology, Stem Growth and Field Performance of Seedlings of Two Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Species Raised in Different Container Types. Plant and Soil. 278(1-2), 85 - 93.
Chiatante, D., Di Iorio A., & Scippa G. S. (2005).  Root responses of Quercus ilex L. seedlings to drought and fire. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 139(2), 198 - 208.
J. Coelho-Silva, L., Rego F. Castro, Silveira S. Castelbran, C. Gonçalves P. Cardoso, & Machado C. Alberto (2005).  Rural Changes and Landscape in Serra da Malcata, Central East of Portugal. Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. 189 - 200.
