Research Publications
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Degradation of vanillic acid and production of guaiacol by microorganisms isolated from cork samples.
FEMS Microbiology Letters. 220(1), 49 - 55.
(2003). Diplopyrone, a New Phytotoxic Tetrahydropyranpyran-2-one Produced by Diplodia mutila, a Fungus Pathogen of Cork Oak.
Journal of Natural Products. 66(2), 313 - 315.
(2003). Diversidad biológica y sostenibilidad ecológica y económica de los sistemas adehesados.
Ecosistemas. 3,
(2003). Efeito da Idade e da Fertilização na Qualidade das Plantas do Sobreiro (Quercus.
Congresso Florestal Nacional, 5º, Viseu, 2005. 1 - 16.
(2003). Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings.
Forestry. 76(1), 67 - 81.
(2003). Effects of tension wood on specific conductivity and vulnerability to embolism of Quercus ilex seedlings grown at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Tree Physiology. 23(6), 387 - 395.
(2003). The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum..
Journal of Bryology. 25(4), 271 - 280.
(2003). Ergovaline occurrence in grasses infected by fungal endophytes of semi-arid pastures in Spain.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 83(4), 347 - 353.
(2003). Fatty acid composition of abdominal adipose tissue in broilers fed green-oak (Quercus ilex), cork oak acorn (Quercus Suber L.) based diets.
Anim. Res.. 52(4), 377 - 382.
(2003). Fruit abortion, developmental selection and developmental stability in Quercus ilex..
Oecologia. 135(3), 378 - 385.
(2003). A global change-induced biome shift in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain).
Global Change Biology. 9(2), 131 - 140.
(2003). Habitat effects and shooting techniques on two wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations in Spain and Portugal.
Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft. 49(February), 120 - 129.
(2003). Hydrological properties of cork container media.
HORTSCIENCE. 38(6), 1235 - 1241.
(2003). Identification, measurement and interpretation of tree rings in woody species from mediterranean climates..
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 78(1), 119 - 148.
(2003). Imaging the mechanical properties of wood cell wall layers by atomic force modulation microscopy.
IAWA JOURNAL. 24(3), 223 - 230.
(2003). In vitro floral induction from thin longitudinal sections and micro-cuttings of juvenile cork oak material.
Trees-Structure and Function. 17, 228 - 236.
(2003). Influence of fire severity on plant regeneration by means of remote sensing imagery.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(8), 1751 - 1763.
(2003). Large-scale environmental correlates of forest tree distributions in Catalonia (NE Spain).
Global Ecology and Biogeography. 12(4), 313 - 325.
(2003). Leaf life span differs from retention time of biomass and nutrients in the crowns of evergreen species.
Functional Ecology. 17(4), 541 - 548.
(2003). Management problems in Mediterranean cork oak forests: post-fire recovery.
Journal of Arid Environments. 54(3), 565 - 569.
(2003). Maturation and germination of oak somatic embryos originated from leaf and stem explants: RAPD markers for genetic analysis of regenerants..
Journal of plant physiology. 160(6), 699 - 707.
(2003). Microspore-derived embryos from Quercus suber anthers mimic zygotic embryos and maintain haploidy in long-term anther culture..
Journal of plant physiology. 160(8), 953 - 960.
(2003). Monitoring Leaf Area Index of Mediterranean oak woodlands: Comparison of remotely-sensed estimates with simulations from an ecological process-based model.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(17), 3441 - 3456.
(2003). Patterns of structural complexity and human disturbance of riparian vegetation in agricultural landscapes of a Mediterranean area.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 95(2-3), 495 - 507.
(2003). Photoprotection in evergreen Mediterranean plants during sudden periods of intense cold weather.
Trees-Structure and …. 17, 285 - 291.
(2003). Population structure of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in two Mediterranean habitats in the western Iberian Peninsula.
FOLIA ZOOLOGICA. 52(2), 143 - 148.
(2003). Preferencias de los propietarios e intervención pública: el caso de las dehesas de la comarca de Monfragüe.
Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 12, 87 - 102.
(2003). Regional differences in land use affect population performance of the threatened insectivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Droseraceae).
Diversity and Distributions. 9(5), 335 - 350.
(2003). Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use..
The Science of the total environment. 309(1-3), 213 - 224.