Research Publications

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Fabbio, G., Merlo M., & Tosi V. (2003).  Silvicultural management in maintaining biodiversity and resistance of forests in Europe—the Mediterranean region. Journal of Environmental Management. 67(1), 67 - 76.
Bergero, R., Girlanda M., Bello F., Luppi A. Maria, & Perotto S. (2003).  Soil persistence and biodiversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in the absence of the host plant in a Mediterranean ecosystem.. Mycorrhiza. 13(2), 69 - 75.
Díaz-Villa, M. D., MARAÑON T., Arroyo J., & Garrido B. (2003).  Soil seed bank and floristic diversity in a forest-grassland mosaic in southern Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science. 14(5), 
Franco, C., Pinto F., Gulyurtlu I., & Cabrita I. (2003).  The study of reactions influencing the biomass steam gasification process. FUEL. 82(7), 835 - 842.
Ghouil, H., Montpied P., Epron D., Ksontini M., Hanchi B., & Dreyer E. (2003).  Thermal optima of photosynthetic functions and thermostability of photochemistry in cork oak seedlings. Tree Physiology. 23(15), 1031 - 1039.
López, B. C., Sabate S., & Gracia C. A. (2003).  Thinning effects on carbon allocation to fine roots in a Quercus ilex forest. Tree Physiology. 23(17), 1217 - 1224.
Avilés, J. M. (2003).  Time budget and habitat use of the Common Crane wintering in dehesas of southwestern Spain. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81(7), 1233 - 1238.
Omari, B. El, Fleck I., Aranda X., Abadía A., Cano A., & Arnao M. B. (2003).  Total antioxidant activity in Quercus ilex resprouts after fire. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 41(1), 41 - 47.
Gratani, L., & Ghia E. (2002).  Adaptive strategy at the leaf level of Arbutus unedo L. to cope with Mediterranean climate. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of …. 197, 275 - 284.
Aguilera, J. F., Nieto R., Rivera M., & Garcıa M. A. (2002).  Amino acid availability and energy value of acorn in the Iberian pig. Livestock Production Science. 77, 227 - 239.
Borges, A. Eleonora, de Almeida V. Valente, & da Silva A. Morais (2002).  Análise da Estratégia Fenodinâmica de Cistus salvifolius em Três Locais Distintos (Pinhal de Leiria, Cabeção e Odemira). Silva Lusitana. 10, 235 - 245.
DAVID, J. F., & Gillon D. (2002).  Annual feeding rate of the millipede Glomeris marginata on holm oak ( Quercus ilex) leaf litter under Mediterranean conditions. Pedobiologia. 52, 42 - 52.
Pérez, J. García (2002).  Ascertaining Landscape Perceptions and Preferences with Pair-wise Photographs: Planning rural tourism in Extremadura, Spain. Landscape Research. 27(3), 297 - 308.
P. Palacín, C., & Y. Luengo R. (2002).  Aspectos económicos de las prácticas agroforestales: un sistema de indicadores monetarios y biofísicos. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. 14, 39 - 63.
Martins, H., Elston D. A., Mayes R. W., & Milne J. A. (2002).  Assessment of the use of n-alkanes as markers to describe the complex diets of herbivores. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. 138(4), 425 - 434.
Librando, V., Perrini G., & Tomasello M. (2002).  Biomonitoring of Atmospheric PAHs by Evergreen Plants: Correlations and Applicability. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. 22(3-4), 549 - 559.
Dorado, M., Rodr A. Valdeolmil, M. Zapata B. Ruiz, Jos M., Garc G., & De Bustamante I. (2002).  Climatic changes since the Late-glacial/Holocene transition in La Mancha Plain (South-central Iberian Peninsula, Spain) and their incidence on Las Tablas de Daimiel. Quaternary International. 94, 73 - 84.
Castola, V., Bighelli A., Rezzi S., Melloni G., Gladiali S., Desjobert J-M., et al. (2002).  Composition and chemical variability of the triterpene fraction of dichloromethane extracts of cork (Quercus suber L.). Industrial Crops and Products. 15(1), 15 - 22.
Villaescusa, I., Fiol N., Cristiani F., Floris C., Lai S., & Nurchi V. Marina (2002).  Copper(II) and nickel(II) uptake from aqueous solutions by cork wastes: a NMR and potentiometric study. Polyhedron. 21(14–15), 1363 - 1367.
Kbiach, M. L. El, Lamarti A., Abdali A., & Badoc A. (2002).  Culture in vitro des bourgeons axillaires de Chêne-liège (Quercus suber L.). I—Influence des cytokinines sur l'organogenèse et la callogenèse de nœuds de plantules. Bull. Soc. Pharm. Bordeaux. 141(1), 73 - 88.
Carrascal, L. M., Palomino D., & Lobo J. M. (2002).  de preferencias de hábitat y de distribución y abundancia invernal de aves en el centro de España. Análisis y predicción del efecto de factores ecológicos. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 1, 7 - 40.
Fernández, J. Bautista G. (2002).  Distribución de especies de matorral en suelos ácidos y básicos de la Sierra de Grazalema, sur de España. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. 60(1), 51 - 61.
Aviles, J. M., Medina F. J., Sánchez J. M., & Parejo D. (2002).  Does temporal variability of winter Common Cranes in the dehesas depend on farming practices?. Waterbirds. 25(1), 86 - 92.
Correia, E., & Freitas H. (2002).  Drosophyllum lusitanicum, an endangered West Mediterranean endemic carnivorous plant: threats and its ability to control available resources. BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 140(4), 383 - 390.
Criquet, S., Tagger S., Vogt G., & Le petit J. (2002).  Endoglucanase and β-glycosidase activities in an evergreen oak litter: annual variation and regulating factors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34(8), 1111 - 1120.
A. Barbancho, C., Shanabel S., & Cerdà A. (2002).  Estudio de la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la pérdida de suelo en la dehesa (Extremadura, SO España) mediante lluvia simulada. Geographicalia. 41, 19 - 36.
Branco, M., Branco C., Merouani H., & Almeida M. Helena (2002).  Germination success, survival and seedling vigour of Quercus suber acorns in relation to insect damage. Forest Ecology and Management. 166(1-3), 159 - 164.
Buccheri, G., Capretto G., Di Donato V., Esposito P., Ferruzza G., Pescatore T., et al. (2002).  A high resolution record of the last deglaciation in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: environmental and climatic evolution. Marine Geology. 186(3–4), 447 - 470.
Chaves, M. M., Pereira J. S., MAROCO J., Rodrigues M. L., RICARDO C. P. P., OSÓRIO M. L., et al. (2002).  How Plants Cope with Water Stress in the Field? Photosynthesis and Growth. Annals of Botany. 89(7), 907 - 916.
Martínez-Vilalta, J., Piñol J., & Beven K. (2002).  A hydraulic model to predict drought-induced mortality in woody plants: an application to climate change in the Mediterranean. Ecological Modelling. 155, 127 - 147.
