Research Publications
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Influence of climate on the seasonality of radial growth of cork oak during a cork production cycle.
Ann. For. Sci.. 59(4), 429 - 437.
(2002). The influence of cork oak pruning on the yield and growth of cork.
Ann. For. Sci.. 59(7), 753 - 760.
(2002). Intercepção da Precipitação em Árvores Isoladas de Quercus rotundifolia Lam.
Silva Lusitana. 10, 1 - 15.
(2002). Land use changes, natural regeneration patterns, and restoration practices after a large wildfire in NE Spain: Challenges for fire ecology and landscape restoration.
(L. Trabaud, and. Prodon, Ed.).FIRE AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. 315 - 324.
(2002). Linking photorespiration, monoterpenes and thermotolerance in Quercus.
New Phytologist. 155(2), 227 - 237.
(2002). Measurement and characterization of cellulase activity in sclerophyllous forest litter..
Journal of microbiological methods. 50(2), 165 - 173.
(2002). Modelling start of oak pollen season in different climatic zones in Spain.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 110, 247 - 257.
(2002). Morphological segmentation of remotely sensed forest covers in high spatial resolution images.
(H. Talbot, and. Beare, Ed.).MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS. 137 - 146.
(2002). Nitrogen circulation in a Mediterranean holm oak forest, La Castanya, Montseny, northeastern Spain.
Hydrology and Earth System …. 551 - 558.
(2002). Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118(2), 205 - 213.
(2002). Niveles de cargas ganaderas en la dehesa extremeña.
Archivos de zootecnia. 51, 315 - 326.
(2002). The organosolv fractionation of cork components.
HOLZFORSCHUNG. 56(2), 135 - 142.
(2002). Patch occupancy by stone martens Martes foina in fragmented landscapes of central Spain: the role of fragment size, isolation and habitat structure.
Acta Oecologica. 23(4), 231 - 237.
(2002). Patterns and processes of Late Quaternary environmental change in a montane region of southwestern Europe.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 21, 2047 - 2066.
(2002). Phytoclimatic characterization of holm-oak provenances (Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Northern Iberian Peninsula.
Forest Systems. 11(1), 77 - 96.
(2002). Propagação Vegetativa de Sobreiros Seleccionados.
Silva Lusitana. 10, 17 - 52.
(2002). Purification of a new isoform of laccase from a Marasmius quercophilus strain isolated from a cork oak litter (Quercus suber L.).
MYCOLOGIA. 94(5), 735 - 740.
(2002). Radiocarbon as a biomarker of urban pollution in leaves of evergreen species sampled in Rome and in rural areas (Lazio—Central Italy).
Atmospheric Environment. 36(34), 5405 - 5416.
(2002). Seasonal and species-specific response of VOC emissions by Mediterranean woody plant to elevated ozone concentrations.
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 36(24), 3931 - 3938.
(2002). Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex.
Physiologia Plantarum. 114(3), 354 - 360.
(2002). Shoot growth efficiency and production of Quercus ilex L. in different climates.
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, …. 197, 2 - 9.
(2002). Soil evolution over the Quaternary period in a Mediterranean climate (SE Spain).
Catena. 48, 131 - 148.
(2002). A spatial statistical analysis of cork oak competition in two Portuguese silvopastoral systems.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 32(11), 1893 - 1903.
(2002). Stocking rate and capital indicators in extensive sheep farms (sw spain).
Arch. Zootec. 51(196), 457 - 460.
(2002). Structural and functional traits of Quercus ilex in response to water availability.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 47(1), 11 - 23.
(2002). Transpiração em Árvores Isoladas de um Montado de Azinho: Evolução Sazonal e Condicionantes Hidráulicas.
Silva Lusitana. 10, 133 - 149.
(2002). Trichomes and photosynthetic pigment composition changes: responses of Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. and Quercus coccifera L. to Mediterranean stress conditions.
Trees. 16(7), 504 - 510.
(2002). Typologie et dynamique des chênaies vertes en Algérie.
Forêt Mediterranéenne. 23, 117 - 132.
(2002). The viscoelastic properties of cork.
Journal of materials science. 37, 257 - 263.