Research Publications

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Costa, A., Pereira H., & Oliveira Â. (2002).  Influence of climate on the seasonality of radial growth of cork oak during a cork production cycle. Ann. For. Sci.. 59(4), 429 - 437.
Cañellas, I., & Montero G. (2002).  The influence of cork oak pruning on the yield and growth of cork. Ann. For. Sci.. 59(7), 753 - 760.
David, T. Soares (2002).  Intercepção da Precipitação em Árvores Isoladas de Quercus rotundifolia Lam. Silva Lusitana. 10, 1 - 15.
Espelta, J. M., Rodrigo A., Habrouk A., Meghelli N., Ordonez J. L., & Retana J. (2002).  Land use changes, natural regeneration patterns, and restoration practices after a large wildfire in NE Spain: Challenges for fire ecology and landscape restoration. (L. Trabaud, and. Prodon, Ed.).FIRE AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. 315 - 324.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (2002).  Linking photorespiration, monoterpenes and thermotolerance in Quercus. New Phytologist. 155(2), 227 - 237.
Criquet, S. (2002).  Measurement and characterization of cellulase activity in sclerophyllous forest litter.. Journal of microbiological methods. 50(2), 165 - 173.
García-Mozo, H., Galan C., & Aira M. J. (2002).  Modelling start of oak pollen season in different climatic zones in Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 110, 247 - 257.
Barata, T., & Pina P. (2002).  Morphological segmentation of remotely sensed forest covers in high spatial resolution images. (H. Talbot, and. Beare, Ed.).MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS. 137 - 146.
Avila, A., Rodrigo A., & Rodà F. (2002).  Nitrogen circulation in a Mediterranean holm oak forest, La Castanya, Montseny, northeastern Spain. Hydrology and Earth System …. 551 - 558.
Roda, F., Avila a., & Rodrigo A. (2002).  Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118(2), 205 - 213.
Escribano, M., A. de Ledesma R., Mesías F. J., & Pulido F. (2002).  Niveles de cargas ganaderas en la dehesa extremeña. Archivos de zootecnia. 51, 315 - 326.
Cordeiro, N., Neto C. P., Rocha J., Belgacem M. N., & Gandini A. (2002).  The organosolv fractionation of cork components. HOLZFORSCHUNG. 56(2), 135 - 142.
Virgós, E., & García F. J. (2002).  Patch occupancy by stone martens Martes foina in fragmented landscapes of central Spain: the role of fragment size, isolation and habitat structure. Acta Oecologica. 23(4), 231 - 237.
Carrión, J. S. (2002).  Patterns and processes of Late Quaternary environmental change in a montane region of southwestern Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews. 21, 2047 - 2066.
Lopez, J. M. Garcia, J. Jimenez G., & C. CAMACHO ALLUÉ. (2002).  Phytoclimatic characterization of holm-oak provenances (Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Northern Iberian Peninsula. Forest Systems. 11(1), 77 - 96.
de Freitas, M. Isabel Car (2002).  Propagação Vegetativa de Sobreiros Seleccionados. Silva Lusitana. 10, 17 - 52.
Farnet, A. M., Criquet S., Pocachard E., Gil G., & Ferré E. (2002).  Purification of a new isoform of laccase from a Marasmius quercophilus strain isolated from a cork oak litter (Quercus suber L.). MYCOLOGIA. 94(5), 735 - 740.
Alessio, M., Anselmi S., Conforto L., Improta S., Manes F., & Manfra L. (2002).  Radiocarbon as a biomarker of urban pollution in leaves of evergreen species sampled in Rome and in rural areas (Lazio—Central Italy). Atmospheric Environment. 36(34), 5405 - 5416.
Llusia, J., Penuelas J., & Gimeno B. S. (2002).  Seasonal and species-specific response of VOC emissions by Mediterranean woody plant to elevated ozone concentrations. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 36(24), 3931 - 3938.
Fischbach, R. Josef, Staudt M., Zimmer I., Rambal S., & Schnitzler J-P. (2002).  Seasonal pattern of monoterpene synthase activities in leaves of the evergreen tree Quercus ilex. Physiologia Plantarum. 114(3), 354 - 360.
Crescente, M. F., Gratani L., & Larcher W. (2002).  Shoot growth efficiency and production of Quercus ilex L. in different climates. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, …. 197, 2 - 9.
Falcão, A. (2002).  Simulação e projecção de alternativas de gestão para o montado de sobro.
Ortiz, I., Simón M., Dorronsoro C., Martın F., & Garcıa I. (2002).  Soil evolution over the Quaternary period in a Mediterranean climate (SE Spain). Catena. 48, 131 - 148.
Paulo, M. J., Stein A., & Tomé M. (2002).  A spatial statistical analysis of cork oak competition in two Portuguese silvopastoral systems. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 32(11), 1893 - 1903.
Sánchez, M. Escribano, Vega A. Rodríguez, Díaz F. Javier Mes, & García F. Pulido (2002).  Stocking rate and capital indicators in extensive sheep farms (sw spain). Arch. Zootec. 51(196), 457 - 460.
Bussotti, F., Bettini D., Grossoni P., Mansuino S., Nibbi R., Soda C., et al. (2002).  Structural and functional traits of Quercus ilex in response to water availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 47(1), 11 - 23.
David, T. Soares, Ferreira I., Pereira J. Santos, Cohen S., & David J. Soares (2002).  Transpiração em Árvores Isoladas de um Montado de Azinho: Evolução Sazonal e Condicionantes Hidráulicas. Silva Lusitana. 10, 133 - 149.
Morales, F., Abadia A., Abadía J., Montserrat G., & GIL-PELEGRÍN E. (2002).  Trichomes and photosynthetic pigment composition changes: responses of Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. and Quercus coccifera L. to Mediterranean stress conditions. Trees. 16(7), 504 - 510.
Dahmani-Megrerouche, M. (2002).  Typologie et dynamique des chênaies vertes en Algérie. Forêt Mediterranéenne. 23, 117 - 132.
Mano, J. F. (2002).  The viscoelastic properties of cork. Journal of materials science. 37, 257 - 263.
